Hi there,
I finally unearthed the quickbook tips that my friend put together for me
last year.  I've pasted them below. Hope it helps.
Quick Books Tips & Key commands 
When opening and using the customer list:
Control J opens the customer / job list. From here you can arrow up and down
through the list, or if you enter the first few letters of the name quickly
or even just the 1st letter, it will bring you closer to your search.
Alt I will open the highlighted customer or job for editing. Once the
customer file is open.
Alt I again, will bring you to additional Information. This includes info
such as job , PO #, shipping method or tracking #, etc.
Alt J brings up the job page. Including job status, start date, install
date, paid date, job description etc.
Alt P brings you to payment and account info.
Alt T opens a note section. Once opened, Alt D will date stamp the current
date. Any info added here, you must tab and click ok in order to save.
All of these fields may vary with your QB setup. The templates and fields
are set up by the administrator.
Any field you are in, escape will close that window. If you have made any
changes, you will be asked to save or not. One thing to remember. Jaws will
say things at times that are not in the highlighted field. If you use the
say line command, it will read or say blank. I have learned over time.
Now back to the main QB home page.
Vendor List 
Alt O will open the vendor list. Again, you may put in letters in rapid
succession to move more quickly to the name you are looking for or just
simply arrow through.
Alt I will open the vendor for editing.
Control N will open a new vendor when adding.
Information in the vendor list will also be the info QB will use when
printing checks.
Wile in this Vendor list it is also possible to create a Purchase order from
here. Using Alt O to open the list, then U. this will open the next PO in
This template is also created by the administrator, or may have a default. I
have only been using QB for our company.
Other Names list 
Alt L and then N. will open other names list. This is where you are able to
add personal names and information 
Again, once the list is opened, 
Control N for adding new.
Arrow or key to the desired contact. In this list, you have to enter on the
highlighted name, then arrow down to edit, enter on this in order to open
the contact for editing.
Creating Invoices, packing Lists, or Other parts orders.
Control I will open an invoice. If you had already highlighted a customer
before opening the invoice, QB would automatically add this customer info to
the appropriate fields. Billing and job site / ship to address. Wile in an
invoice, if any changes are made to the address fields supplied by QB. Upon
closing or printing the invoice, you will be asked if you want the changes
to appear next time. Choose carefully here. This could change your next
usage of this customer or Vendor. If you want to keep the changes for this
particular invoice or Pombo not change the past or future. Then you would
say no or Alt N. 
We sold a part to a customer, but they would rather in this one instance
have the part shipped to the job site instead of their office. You would
open an invoice, tab through and fill out the appropriate fields. If the
address info is changed, when you print or save you will be asked if you
want these changes to appear net time. In this case no. The correct shipping
info will stay on this invoice, but not be changed the next time you use the
same customer.
When tabbing through each field, the template will allow a certain amount of
characters, prechosen by the administrator. Some fields such as shipping,
inventory, job assignment etc. Only list items preassigned by the
administrator will show up as choices. If you add something new, not already
in the list. You will be asked to do a quick add. Depending on an
individuals permission, you may or may not make these changes.
Once you tab to an address field, there will be multiple line for editing.
While in this field, you arrow up and down to on each line, then tab to move
out of the fields.
Many fields can be preassigned by the Administrator to help with efficiency.
Such as memo, billing / shipping charges etc. This allows for easy
conversion from one template to another using the same invoice number.
For sighted assistance.
Many of the key commands are shown with an underline below the hot key. For
instance the print command is Alt T, so the T will be underlined.
Be aware that many of the standard jaws key commands will be correct,but
some will change. For example, control P will bring up payment info instead
of print.
I'm not sure if this will be clear enough instruction, but hope it will
help. I have used multiple versions of QB with multiple versions of Jaws. I
am now using XP Pro with Jaws 8 Pro and QB version 2007 contractor edition.
As each program has upgraded to the next version, it has only become more
easily navigated. There are some areas of QB that I do not have permission
to use, but the same key commands will work in these areas too.
There are many aspects of QB that are very accessible, but would be much
simpler to explain on an individual basis. The jaws cursor is necessary in
some cases, but not the majority. 
Don't frown! 
You never know whose falling in love with your smile!
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