Thanks I believe I have it working now. I appreciate everyone's assistance that inbox can get quite full when the emails are not filtered out. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lois" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

O. E. rules

This example will be for making a filter for jaws users.

First make a folder named jaws users.

To do so press control shift E, type jaws users, then tab and arrow up to


folders, then hit enter.

Press alt T, then R to take you to message rules

Enter on mail.

Tab over to New and press the space bar..

Arrow down until you hear where the subject line contains specific words

and press the space bar.

Tab once to Actions list. You will hear "Move it to the specified folder."

Again, press the space bar.

Tab once to the rules description dialog and down arrow one time.

You will hear where the subject line contains specific words.

Hit enter.

Type in [jaws_users].

Tab one time to Add and press enter.

Now tab until you hear OK and press enter.

You will be back at the rules description dialog.

Now down arrow two times and you will hear specified.

Hit enter.

Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your folder spoken

jaws users.

Tab over to Ok and hit enter.

Now tab once and hit the back space till the edit field is empty, give the

rule a name such as jaws users.

Now tab to ok and hit enter. Tab to apply and enter, tab and enter on the OK button

then on close and enter, tab to OK and enter.

----- Original Message ----- From: Josh
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 3:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

thanks, for some reason when I go to my message rules it takes me straight into the new rule page. After completing your steps I went back to attempt
 to see my message rule but when I got down to name the rule it still says
new rule 1 and nothing underneath it. For one reason or another the rule is
 not taking.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike & Barbara" <>
 To: <>
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 4:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

 > Hi Josh & Wayne;
> These are for Outlook Express and I don't know if they work for Window's > Mail. When making a message rule and you choose rule 6, subject contains > specific words, what you type in rules 9 thru 11 must be exactly as they > appear in the emails you receive. Meaning if there are brackets, spaces,
 > some letters capitalized and some not, the entry has to be exact as the
 > email subject line.  For example;   [JAWS-Users]  is exactly the way it
> should look when inserting in rules 9 thru 11 if the message rule is for
 > Jaws-Users.
 > Making Message Rules
> This particular instance wil automatically tell Outlook Express to place
 > all
 > emails from (what you set up) into your new folder that you made.
 > 1 make sure you have a folder in your OE list of folders called(x) the
 > name
 > of your folder that you want all your emails to go into.
 > Here we go.
 > 2. While in OE, hit alt T to take you to the Tools menu.
 > 3. press r to take you to message rules
 > 4. press the letter M for Mail.
 > 5. Press Tab one time for New and press enter.
> 6. Arrow down untill you hear where subject line contains specific words
 > and
 > Press the spacebar one time
 > 7. Now tab once to Actions list. You will see or hear"Move it to the
 > specified folder." Again, press the space bar one time.
> 8. Now tab once until you see or hear Name of the rule. section 3 New mail
 > rule
 > 9. arrow down to (where the subject line contains specific words)
 > 10. press enter
 > 11. type in exactly what is on the subject line of the email
 > 12. tab to add and press spacebar
 > 13. arrow down until you hear the name of the subject line you put in
 > 14. tab to ok press spacebar
 > 15. Down arrow one time to move it to specified folder, press enter
> 16. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your folder
 > spoken(to what ever you named your folder in the inbox).
> 17. Tab over to Ok and hit enter. You will be taken back to the mail rules
 > page.
 > 18. tab to section 4
> Press the delete key on (New Mail Rule #1) and then type in the name you
 > want showing in the message rules list.
 > 19. tab to ok press spacebar
 > 20. Tab to Apply Now and hit enter.
> 21. This step I'm not certain of. You may be able to tab past this and go > on to the next step. Another screen here and you should tab to Select all
 > button
 > and press space bar
 > 22. Tab until you see or hear Apply to Folder.... Inbox. Hit enter.
 > 23. You will be given a message that your rules have been applied. Hit
 > enter.
 > 24. Tab to close and press enter
> 25. You are now in the mail rules page again and you should tab to OK and
 > hit enter.
 >> you are now finished.  Hope this has helped.  Take care.
 > Mike
> ----- Original Message ----- >
 > From: "Josh" <>
 > To: <>
 > Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:23 AM
 > Subject: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
 > JAWS Users,
 > I use O.E. and I am having trouble setting up a message rule that works
 > all
 > the time. I can set one up and it will move the messages that are
 > currently
> in my inbox but after that they continue to come to my inbox rather than
 > the
> folder that has been assigned. I go back into message rules to see about
 > editing the message rule but it says there is no message rule. I know I
 > will
 > be directed to the groups page but I cannot access the page as I do not
 > know
 > my password and when requesting my password I never recieve it. Can
 > someone
 > help me out with either accessing the groups page or setting up the
 > message
> rule I am forgetting a step or something because initially it works as it
 > should. Thanks for any help offered. I use JAWS 10 shoudl you need this
 > information
 > J.P. Smith
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