Sounds like the site hasn't labelled the fields correctly.
You may have to navigate with the Jaws cursor to have any idea.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Betsy Whitney,
Dolphin Press
Sent: 26 June 2010 08:59
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] HTML and inserted information

Aloha Donald,
I think I have not been clear. When I started the account nearly a year ago,
I entered a list of payees, their addresses and phone numbers. When the site
was updated is when I began having this problem. The page I'm having trouble
with is that page of payees and below each entry is an edit box for entering
the amount I'd like to pay. It won't read any of those items so I can't find
the payee I want and then am not able to enter the amount. Does that help? I
have tried the insert escape to redraw the page, and no help.
At 09:46 PM 6/25/2010, you wrote:
>Perhaps the page has been updated without JAWS realizing it.  On my 
>bank's site this happens when I hit the "pay" button.  Pressing Insert 
>(CapsLock for laptop layout) + Escape refreshes the JAWS buffer and it 
>can then read it to me.
>Don Marang
>From: "Betsy Whitney, Dolphin Press" <>
>Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 7:31 PM
>To: "jaws users" <>
>Subject: [JAWS-Users] HTML and inserted information
>>Aloha all,
>>Some time back I mentioned that I was having trouble reading parts of 
>>my online banking service screens. Here's the issue.
>>The information on the page is html. However, when a person adds 
>>information such as the name of a company that they want to pay, JAWS 
>>only reads the part that is html. I have contacted the bank but in the 
>>meantime, is there perhaps something I should change in my settings 
>>that might make it work better? I am told that when I click on the 
>>make payments screen, all of my payees are shown on the screen, but 
>>when I arrow around, I only hear the items that were originally on the 
>>page and none of the things that were added.
>>I would tell you what my settings are now, but honestly not sure what 
>>to tell. Perhaps this is only something that the bank has to fix and 
>>they are very interested in doing so.
>>Any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated and tried.
>>Thanks, Betsy
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