
My computer works well with XP Home with Service Pack 3 and now that I know that it will work for another three years or so, I might as well continue with this version. It was my intention to ask a friend to purchase Version 7 but will cancel that request.

I changed to Jaws Professional from Version 7.1 a few years ago so when I need to upgrade to another version of Windows it won't be necessary to upgrade to Professional.

The mother board on my computer was changed earlier this year and the only thing I need to purchase is a scanner to use with my Kurzweil Version 11 as I want to make some DAISY files to read with my Bookport Plus player. However, I need to learn to use MS 2007 as I have Office 2003. I was given Office 2007 for my birthday in February.

Thanks for all your advice.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading my Windows program


A couple things to consider...

First, is there a driving need for you to upgrade? Windows XP with SP3 will be supported by Microsoft into 2014. So, you could get another three years out of your current computer.

Second, consider your computer. How current is it in terms of specs, etc? Run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor available at to be sure your system will support Windows 7 and whether you need to update drivers for printers, scanners, etc. I've worked on some clients computer systems where we had to purchase new printers or scanners because their scanner didn't have drivers for Windows 7. This is particularly the case for 64-bit versions of Windows (the 32-bit versions are harder to find in pre-configured systems).

Third, is their a particular reason you need Win 7 Pro? It does have XP emulation, but that may/may not be supported in Jaws, and it is rarely needed except for certain specific programs. I know some gamers for example who use it. Unless you have specific needs, Home Premium would be adequate. Note, with Win 7 Pro, you will need the Professional Authorization of Jaws.

As for price, Professional will be about $200, versus around $100-125 for HP if you look around.

Hint: you can actually do a full installation from an upgrade disk, which would save you some money.

Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Lansing, MI
----- Original Message ----- From: "Francis E. Khan" <>
To: "Jaws Users List" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 3:22 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Upgrading my Windows program

At this time I am using Windows XP Home with Service Pack 3 and from what I am hearing it might be in order to upgrade to an upgrade. What will it cost me to purchase a copy of Windows 7 Pro? And are there any tutorials I can download to study?
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