OK, before anyone asks, let me throw this ball out of the way first. Yes, I am aware of the solo direct voices. I know also how to install 'em, but that isn't the point, in this case.

I am trying to install my sapi 5 version of the Ral Speak voices. I not only wanna be able to use these with jfw, but I got some other programs like Speak-on, as well as K1000, Kitchen's Inc games, etc. which are self voicing that I wanna use them with. I can't do that with the solo direct voices as they use their own propriatary module/driver/dll libraries. Bottom line, it won't work. Anyway, so here is my question to you pc geeks out there like myself. I just got an hp laptop last Wednesday. It's running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Edition. So my question is, when I ran the installer for the real speak voices, it said they'd not run on a 64 bit OS. So, having said that, this leads me to actually two questions.

The first question which probably is the obvious is: is there a way to get around this, so that I can install the sapi version, and if not, can I get a 64 bit version from fs of the old sapi formatted installer.

My second question is, maybe I'm completely all wet here, but I was under the impression that anything 32 bit architect would run on a 64 bit OS. Now, granted, I know for a fact! you can't run a 64 bit OS on a 32 bit only capable motherboard, nor, can you run x64 programs on a 32 bit OS. That's obvious. But I thought the annalogy worked like this:

Say you have a 4 lane highway. OK, you may wind up only driving down 2! of those lanes, but, the point is, you can! do it. You're not taking over the whole highway, but, you're still able to drive down it. I hear 64 bit worked much the same way. You can! run 64 bit apps, or! 32 bit apps on 64 bit

architect, but, on the other hand, don't try running 64 bit on a 32 bit only capable OS/hardware system. am I not understanding this whole 32/64 bit thing correctly? Actually, I don't even get the difference, really per sey. I know better graffics, as if that really matters to me, and faster speed, supposedly, but I've honestly not seen much speed difference between my old 32 bit xp machine and this 64 bit win7 machine.

Hmm, Chris ponders.

Anyway, let me know you all's suggestions and maybe someone also can fill me in on the differences in 64 vs. 32 bit, and what can run where.

Thank you kindly.


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