Hello Ann Marie et al,

I have been struggling with CD creation for a long time now.

What in the name of all is the difference between burning and ripping?

Which ever choice I make the CD is ejected on apparent completion but it still won't play on anything and when I look again in the computer there seems only to be two files regardless of how many I select.

Now I have not yet tried your method of drag-&-drop but instead have tried copy-&-paste which method only seems to yield two files.

Thanks and thanks for your directions, I'll try them soon.

Dale Leavens.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ann Marie Medlar" <amedl...@gmail.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Burn CD with Media Player

Below are my directions; if incorrect please let me know. It took me some time to figure how to copy songs from an audio CD, rip and then burn. I hope this helps someone.
Player, Windows XP, Jaws 11.
Go to desktop, type w for windows media player and enter
go to Start menu, then programs, type w for windows Media Player and enter
Because Window Media Player (WMP) opens to wherever you left off from last time you opened,
tab to Windows Media Player button as our start entry point.
On buttons press space bar twice to get context windows with a list of options.
Go to each button to check out settings.
tab to rip button, press space bar twice, down arrow to eject after ripping and enter to check that CD
will eject when complete.
press escape
tab to burn button and space bar twice and enter on eject after burning
press escape
Now you will know when ripping and burning is completed because each time CD should eject
insert audio CD
Song will begin press control+s to stop playing
tab to the rip button, press space bar twice, down arrow to rip record title D: and enter
Ripping begins
Alternatively you can  press enter on start rip button or press alt+s key
Rip begins, Takes time to rip songs give it about 10 minutes
CD ejects
tab to burn button press space bar twice
Remove disk and enter a blank CD
tab to library tree view which is closed, right arrow to open
down arrow to select by artist
Tab to list view of artist
down arrow to select the band you wish to rip
Alternatively you could have selected just added, by song, year...
After selecting band use the Jaws drag and drop key control+insert+num pad
tab twice to basket list
Use Jaws drag and drop key control+insert+num pad slash to drop songs in
basket window
control + a to highlight all songs in basket
tab to start burn button and enter
burning begins and CD ejects when completed
Jaws states Windows Media Player close button press space bar to close

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