Jaws works very good with skype5 using the last Doug's script.

Brad Dunse said the following on 26.10.2010. 15:21:

What would be the optomum version of Skype to use with Jaws 12 and if any scripts other than what is in Jaws? I was running version 4.x with Jaws 11 and some scripts from Doug Lee I think? However with install of Jaws CTRL 1 and etc which normally moved to contacts list just rambles about no script to call blah blah blah.

I can get older versions from www.oldversion.com if need be. I'm running XP Pro SP3. If scripts are needed and you have, please send. Actually I want to think I don't even have the Jaws default scripts as I overwrote them with Jaws 11's assuming it'd actually work :).



Brad Dunse

Music is to the soul, what water is to the body

E Mail: b...@braddunsemusic.com

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