I have a couple of MS Word docs that are very large.  One of them is about
1800 pages.  That never presented a problem when I was using JAWS 8 with MS
Word 2003 and XP Pro.  Now I have a state-of-the-art laptop with Windows 7
64bit, much more RAM and a faster processor (supposedly) and every time I
open this 1800 doc everything goes into super slow motion.  When I open the
doc I can go get a glass of water and come back and it may still be opening.
If I try to Alt-Tab to another program, Outlook or Skype, for example, it
takes forever to make the switch.  Does anyone have an idea if this is
related to JAWS 11 latest build, something wrong with MS Word 2007 or
something with the computer itself?



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