OK, I am having some of the oddest issues with Windows live Mail.

I'm honestly hating! what I'm seeing!

For one, a little background,

I do not for the life of me know why but I just got a new pc, that an old
friend of mine no longer needed with xp.  Guess what!  The O E M windows
disc he gave me of xp, doesn't have Outlook Express slipstreamed into it!
This means, because O E's a dependency of Outlook, I can't install Outlook
o7.  So, I thought I'ds try Windows Mail, but with jaws 11, it's giving me
nothing but issues.

for one, When I go to the tree view where it shows all the list of folders,
for the account like inbox, outbox, etc.  I would like to totally get rid of
that payne, so it frees up room on the screen.  My preference is just hit
ctrl+Y to switch folders.  When I hit the toggle button under view/layout, I
uncheck everything related to the folder list tree view, but, it still stays
on the screen.  I know this, as I still can easily tab to and from it.  The
second problem is when in the body of an e-mail that I'm either composing,
replying to, or forwarding, if I do insert up arrow/numpad 8, or in the case
of the laptop layout, capslock+I, sometimes I hear edit:  before it reads
the current line, and sometimes I don't.  It's incredibly intermittant.

The other issue is When I compose, reply, or forward an e-mail, as soon as a
tab past the subject box down into the body, my virtual cursor's getting
automatically activated.  I have to then hit insert+Z to shut it off.  And
finally, the absolutely most! annoying of all!  When I open an e-mail my
virtual cursor, as should be, is! activated, yes, but, nothing reads.  A
say-all won't do anything, and neither will using my down arrow key.  the
only way I can work around this is to shift tab to the attachment field if
there be one, or if not, then shift tab to the previous field from the body,
which is the to:  field, then tab back into the body to refresh.  I gotta
admit I've not tried insert+escape to refresh the screen, but somehow I
doubt this would work.  BTW, if I alt tab away from the message I'm typing
in, then alt tab back, my virtual cursor again, is activated making me have
to hit insert+Z to do anything further.

This is jaws 11.0.1461.  Windows XP Pro, SP3, all Windows Updates up to
date, IE8, not that that is rellavant, but...  I cannot update to jfw 12.  I
don't have any S M A's at this time.

If I cannot get this working, I'm incredibly seriously gonna consider
switching to a more stable e-mail client like Thunderbird, or eudora, as
this is absolutely pathetic!

Thanks for the help.  and before you ask, no? I'm not gonna redo all this
data on this system reformat and reinstall Windows just to get back O E.  I
may be dumb, but I'm not stupid!  That's wayyyy! too extreme!

Hell, if it comes down to it, I'll just use my IPod to send/receive mail.  I
didn't say it would be fun, but I do what I gotta do.


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