Do a scanDisk on both.
Just go to desk top, myComputer, hit enter. Now on the local drive hit application key and chose properties... Then do a control + tab and hit enter. Tab to fix drive and check. Then ok your way out.
When you reboot it will do that job.
after that is done. Run defrag on the system, and disk clean up. You can find that in accessories, system tools, disk clean up.
If you have a registry cleaner run it also.
Now your all clean.
Do a insert + f11, and see just what all is running.
For some you may have to go into control panel, task bar and startup menu. Just un check hide icons and they will show all. Stop all that don't need to run and then shut computer off and once off restart it. That will purge the memory and come up clean. Where a reboot will still keep junk around.
At 03:33 PM 7/7/2011, you wrote:
Hi folks, I'm using Jaws 11 on a laptop and desktop both using Windows XP. On both of them, I can wait several seconds after I have pressed a key, before Jaws either echoes it or responds to it.

Do any of you have any ideas as to how I can decrease the wait?

Many thanks for any suggestions! Vicky
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