ok the big trouble is I don't know and neither do you, the "translation" from menu's to ribbons, but I have some tutorials on windows live mail, so hopefully one of them will give you the information you need.

first is:
for an audio tutorial on using windows live mail!
go too:
and look for the presentation by someone named Mr.  Asner.
Its an MP3 file that you can download and listen too.

here is another good one:

ok now this sounds very similar to your troubles and the fix for them:

ok, this is a corrected and headers removed version of a series of Emails concerning the "HOW it reads" and the altering of this in windows live mail, I've put them back in the order they came in instead of the last is first chronology they wind up in to make reading easier for folks.

starting in correct order from first request to end of problem fix, first post:

 hello folks

in windows vista and XP I was able to sort how emails were viewed and read by jaws. my emails are now being read by. the name of the sender first then the date then the time then the subject and then which folder it is in. can I sort this so the subject is being read first then the sender and then the date and time if I want it. or maybe stop the date and time and folder which it is being read from not to be announced. I cant find any options in the view menu to do this. many thanks in advance.



Hi Vincent,

you can open the Columns dialog from the view menu - I think this allows you to do what you want to do,


hello David

it is saying all the time that columns are unavailable. I thought that was were I done it in vista and XP. but it says unavailable. can you suggest how to activate this.


this is one thing to try:
1. Open the layout dialog on the view menu.
2. Move to the Message list button, and press it using spacebar.
3. When you do this, the button expands and shows some text and controls which Jaws (and probably other screen readers don't automatically read. What's there is the text Show messages using: followed by a group of three radio buttons: Choose view automatically; two-line view; and one-line view. By default it seems to be set to choose view automatically, and on my machine if it's set to that or the one-line view, then I can access the columns dialog. However if it's set to two line view, the the columns dialog is unavailable, and the reading order of subject, date etc is as you've previously described. The easiest was to set an option is to use it's access key: Choose view automatically (alt+u), two-line view (alt+t), one-line view (alt+o). Once you've used an access key jaws reads it, and you can the use up and down arrows to read the other options if you want to. (The other way of accessing the options if to route jaws to cursor, read a word at a time to get to any word in the options, and then route pc to jaws cursor).

best wishes,

ok, hope these help you with that trouble!
you may be able to find a list for the ribbon commands on the microsoft site, I have one, but its for word 2010 and its ribbon, not WLM.

the last thing is there is a program that returns the ribbons to menu like arrangements if you would want to install it, but I'd really try to get used to the ribbons since more and more things are starting to use them!

take care,

. Moderator, Blind Access Help.
. Owner: Alacorn Computer Enterprises
"own the might and majesty of an alacorn"
. proprietor: Inthane's Grab Bag
for blind computer users and Programmers!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mandy" <lovingten...@btinternet.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 4:19 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Help With Display of Emails.


Again I fail to follow instructions because this is what happens.

Open email programme and alt h brings up virtual ribbon home tab.
Cursoring down brings up
Lower ribbon new submenu,

Delete submenue, respond submenu, actions submenu, tools submenu, group submenu new submenu.
It then starts again so what now?


-----Original Message----- From: inthane
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 4:30 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Help With Display of Emails.

ok, gal, go to your mail program, hit alt and h, arrow down to the "about"
option and enter on it.

now, hit the keys alt and insert and w to "virtualized the screen of
information you should have up at this time.
hit control and a to copy it all, then open a new email to us and paste it
in and send it to us, something is odd here and we need to see what exactly
your working with and anything else that may show up here!

. Moderator, Blind Access Help.
. Owner: Alacorn Computer Enterprises
"own the might and majesty of an alacorn"
. proprietor: Inthane's Grab Bag
for blind computer users and Programmers!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mandy" <lovingten...@btinternet.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Help With Display of Emails.


I am still having a problem
with this as the things people say will come up with just don't seem to come up. Specifically when I open an email I want to hear who it is from and which group if it is from an E-Group. It is driving me crazy.


-----Original Message----- From: Hans Pauli Sundstein
   Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 1:27 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Help With Display of Emails.


Go to the View tab at the upper band, and press arrow down.
Tab once to the View button drop down selection, and press spacebar.
Arrow down to select column's, and press enter.

Now you are in a dialogue box where you can select which column's that has
been shown and in which order, in your e-mail program.

Remember to maximize the window also, so you get as much information as

Hans Pauli.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Mandy
Dato: 23. august 2011 11:39
Til: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Emne: [JAWS-Users] Help With Display of Emails.

I have just got my computer back from a total hard-drive crash and am now
having a few problems.

I am using JAWS 12, Windows 7 and I use Windows Live Mail   and when my
emails come in, they  just show the name of sender or sometimes just the
subject and I want them to show the name and topic so what do I alter for
this to happen?

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