Hey, Negoslav
I think this is cool, but could you explain to me what selection keys mean, and when I press shift 1 through 0 it just says !, @, #, $?
Thanks for helping me to understand all of this.

Here is what insert+h in goldwave told me as an answer. I paste it here because I believe it will help you understand the zoom better. The commands you used as an example control the zoom level.

To zoom to see the actual waveform, Press Shift+1.
Note: in ratio, this level is presented as 1:1.
To zoom one second of audio, press Shift+2.
To zoom ten seconds of audio, press Shift+3.
To zoom one minute of audio, press Shift+4.
To zoom ten minutes of audio, Press Shift+5.
To zoom one hour of audio, press Shift+6.
To zoom out the entire sound file, press Shift+A.
To zoom to the level where individual samples can be seen and edited, Press Shift+0.
To zoom in or out to a preset level, Press Shift+U.
To zoom to the recent previous value, press Shift+P.
To zoom to a specified level, Press Shift+S to open the dialog, and type-in the value, when you press enter to close the dialog, the new level is automaticly

Finding certains parts of a sound file is done through keyboard navigation, which involves playing the file and moving the playback cursor
until the area if interest is located.
The view and zoom level control how much audio is displayed on the screen (or page). By default, GoldWave displays the entire file. Use the View Menu Commands to change the amount of audio displayed. This also changes the amount the playback cursor and selection markers are moved with each keystroke. The cursor is moved one tenth of the screen size. Selection markers are moved one hundredth of the screen size. Using
View | 10 Seconds
displays 10 seconds of audio in the view. The Page Up or Page Down key moves the cursor 10 seconds backward or forward. The Left or Right key moves the cursor 1 second backward or forward. The selection keys move the start or finish marker a tenth of second (0.1). Using View | 1 Second displays 1 second of audio. At that level, the page, arrow, and selection keys move 1 second, one tenth of a second, and one hundredth of a second respectively.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Head" <ath...@bigpond.net.au>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 12:10 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] goldWave questions

Hi all,
Just wondering, I know to move through a file withgoldWave, you press shift and numbers 1 2 and 3 just wondering how far each command moves through the
Kind regards,

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