Hey all,

Caveat: I have not yet installed Qwitter. I know I need to do this. I
will do so when I get home from work. :)

My question has nothing to do with the twitter app, however, and
everything to do with the web interface. I work as a journalist and
have to rely on Twitter for information sourcing from time to time. I
would rather not install apps on my office computer, and therefore I
generally explore the site through my web browser. In the past I've
had minimal problems doing this. Retweets and replies were annoying
and required some jaws cursor time, but other controls such as the
"follow" button on a user profile were easily visible and instantly
responsive. Now, though, I think Twitter has fallen in step with
Facebook in implementing inherently inaccessible layout changes. No
matter what profile I visit, I can't find a follow button anywhere. I
see something that looks like it may work, but if I select it with
either Enter or the space bar, I get sent somewhere else altogether.
Ditto for routing the Jaws cursor to its PC counterpart and clicking
that way. I'd love input from anyone out there who has managed to get
to the bottom of this.

Many thanks and all the best,

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