I did use end it all on my xp machine. You could uncheck the processes that you did not want terminated. I did a quick search and win 7 is not listed. I did find this information:

To kill any particular process use the Taskkill command. For example to kill Firefox, run the command as:

Taskkill /IM firefox.exe /F

where /F is used to kill the process forcefully. You can also kill any particular process by using it’s ID, the tasklist command displays the process ID’s as well (you can see the PID column in the screenshot). To kill any process using it’s ID, run the command as:

Taskkill /PID 2704 /F

Now to kill multiple processes simultaneously, run the above command with the PID’s of all the processes followed by spaces

Taskkill /PID 2704 5472 4344 /F

Source Tech Mania

-----Original Message----- From: David Ferrin
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 9:47 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] looking for a program

It occurs to me that a program that will automatically shutdown another
running program while not necessarily shutting down the computer might be
nice. Does anybody know of such an animal?

This would be for example when you want something to run but for only a
certain period of time, just a thought. I would be surprised if such a thing
David Ferrin

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