Hello.  I am confused about something the salesperson said and I wanted to ask 
the group about this to make sure.  I didn't have to do this before, or maybe 
the cost has just gone up a lot, but I wondered if we now have to pay $200 for 
the pro version and if this $200 only covers the current version with no 
upgrades.  I thought I had, in the past, purchased my upgrades and I always 
received 2 upgrades within that price, and before the cost had never been 
$400--$200 for, say, Jaws 13 and then an extra $200 for 2 more upgrades.  I am 
current on my upgrades and haven't skipped but am now using 12, wanting to go 
to 13.  I do not want to start any debates about cost or any of that, and the 
moderator certainly doesn't want this either.  It's more a confusion I have 
than anything, because I was sure that, with past purchases, the price didn't 
double when I made one purchase for 3 versions.  I hope someone can clarify.
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