I found this to be the same for new windows 7 on netbook (no num pad), am using jaw12. I just thought this is a windows 7 or new excel thing. Problem: in colum a or in row 1, jaws will not speak content unless move out of cell & back in.
I'll watch for fix.

-----Original Message----- From: Lennie
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 8:04 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Excel: reading content of column A

Hi Ann,

Thanks, but I do that already when I do say word )insert+numpad5). I
want Jaws to speak the contents of cell A when I left arrow column A
as it does in Jaws12. This feature does not work in Jaws13 and I have
to do insert+numpad5 to hear the content. Just another unnecessary key stroke.

Take care.

At 09:53 PM 12/26/2011, you wrote:
Insert-numb pad 5 reads the contents of the cell.
At 07:42 PM 12/26/2011, you wrote:

I am using Excel 2003 on my desktop XP computer and Excel 2007 on my windows7 laptop computer. I am also using the latest Jaws13 on both computers.

In Jaws12, when I am in column A and I press the left arrow key, Jaws simply reads the contents of that cell.

However, with Jaws13, I press the left arrow in column A and Jaws does not speak the contents of that cell. I will have to do say word or move out of that cell and move back into it to hear the contents of that cell.

Is there any fix for this problem? Does the problem lies in Jaws scripts? Is anyone else having this problem?

I know that I can do say word, but when navigating with the arrow keys, I do not want to move to say word to hear the contents.

As I previously stated above, this problem does not occur in Jaws12.

Many thanks for any help. Take care.


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