Hi Rick,

I should have been more clear.

When I say residual ghost images of files played in the last instance, I
meant within the playlist editor, not specifically on your computer as an
M3U file.

If you play a track and close Winamp, then simply open up an instance of
Winamp without entering on a particular track on your hard drive, in other
words, by entering on the Winamp icon on your desktop or start menu, if you
press the spacebar, you'll find that it will start playing the same track
you played the last time you used Winamp to play a file.

I just checked, and while they've fixed this particular bug and the track
does not start playing if you press the spacebar, the track list still
appears in the playlist editor, so, as long as you haven't moved that file
from it's original location when you first played it within Winamp, entering
on that track from within the playlist editor will start playing that song.
That also means that if you add any tracks to Winamp, they will be added
below that first title, and, if you're listing to a particular raunchy audio
book just prior to creating a kids party playlist, there's going to be a bit
of embarrassment when you first turn on the playlist.  LOL.

Suffice it to say, I didn't mean that it would actually save a file on your
hard drive, though, I guess, in order for Winamp to do what I mentioned
above, I guess it would have to store a file on your hard drive, though I've
never actually investigated whether Winamp does this within the temporary
memory, or permanently on your hard drive, but as I've found this to be the
case, even after re-booting my computer, I would say that it's a good guess
that the file gets saved on your hard drive.

As for the control+S keystroke, it's been in effect since version 4.5 and
onwards, though I can't say for sure that it's been around longer than that.

I have listed below the compendium of Winamp keystrokes for Jaws just in
case there are any discrepancies, with the below keystrokes being taken
directly from the Jaws application help file.

Unfortunately, Jaws help does not offer keystrokes for the Winamp Library or
the Winamp Video windows, but if and when I find such beasts, I'll be sure
to update and post the new information.

In the meantime, here are the keystrokes currently available for each of the
Winamp windows, those being the Winamp Main Window, The Winamp Equalizer
Window, and the Winamp Playlist Editor.

***Begin Winamp Keystrokes***

The following general keystrokes are available in WinAmp:

Playback commands:
To play/Restart, press X,
To pause/Resume the current track, press C,
To rewind by  5 seconds, press LEFT ARROW,
To fast forward by 5 seconds, press RIGHT ARROW,
To stop the current track, press V,
To stop the current track with Fade-out, press SHIFT+V,
To stop after the current track, press CTRL+V,
To play the next Track, press B,
To play the previous Track, press Z,
To move to the first track in the list, press CTRL+Z,
To move to the last track in the list, press CTRL+B,
To move Ten Songs Back, turn on NUMLOCK and press NUMPAD 1,
To move Ten Songs Forward, turn on NUMLOCK and pres NUMPAD 3,
To move to a time in the current track, press CTRL+J,
To move to a file, press J,

To increase the volume, press UP ARROW,
To decrease the volume, press DOWN ARROW,
To set the volume to 0%, press ALT+CTRL+M,
To set the volume to 33%, press ALT+CTRL+COMMA,
To set the volume to  66%, press ALT+CTRL+PERIOD,
To set the volume to 100%, press ALT+CTRL+SLASH,

To pan 100% left, press ALT+CTRL+H,
To pan 50% left, press ALT+CTRL+J,
To center sound, press ALT+CTRL+K,
To pan 50% right, press ALT+CTRL+L,
To pan 100% right, press ALT+CTRL+SEMI COLON,

To toggle Repeat mode, press R,
To toggle Shuffle mode, press S,

Play commands:
To open and play a File, press L,
To open and play a location, press CTRL+L,
To open and play a directory, press SHIFT+L,

Bookmark commands:
To add a bookmark, press ALT+I,
To edit bookmarks (Go to Bookmark preferences), press ALT+CTRL+i,

Visualization commands:
To go to built-in visualization options, press ALT+O,
To configure the current visualization plug-in, press ALT+K,
To start/stop the current visualization plug-in, press CTRL+SHIFT+K,
To open the Visualization page of the Preferences dialog, press CTRL+K,

Other commands:
View/Edit Track Info, Alt+3

To open WinAmp help, press F1,
To open the skin selection dialogue, press ALT+S,
To open to Main Menu, press ALT+F,
To go to WinAmp preferences, press CTRL+P,

To toggle Always-On-Top (all but Playlist Editor), press CTRL+A,
To toggle the Windowshade mode, press CTRL+W,
To toggle Double size Mode, press  CTRL+D,
To toggle Easy move, press CTRL+E,
To start a new instance of WinAmp, press ALT+CTRL+N,

Within the Winamp Main Window:

Use the following hot keys in the WinAmp main window:
To toggle the status of the WinAmpmain window,  press Alt+W.
To open/close the equalizer, press Alt+G.
To open/close the library, press Alt+L.
To open/close the play list editor, press Alt+E.
To open/close the video window, press Alt+V.
To disable the mini browser, press Alt+T.
To move between open windows within Winamp, press Control+Tab.
To jump to the relative time, press Alt+Shift+J.
To repeat the move to the last relative time, press Alt+J.
To speak the status of the shuffle and repeat modes, press Alt+Shift+S.
To speak the statuses of all WinAmp windows, press Shift+JAWSKey+W.
Time marker commands:
To set a time marker, press M.
To jump to a specific time marker, press Alt+Shift+M.
To remove a time marker, press Control+Shift+M.
To import/export time markers, press Control+Alt+Shift+M.
Current Track commands:
To toggle the time display, press Control+T.
To speak the length of the current track, press Control+JAWSKey+T.
To speak the elapsed time, press Alt+Shift+T.
To speak the time remaining, press Control+Shift+T.
To review the end of the current track, press Alt+R.
To select the review time, press Control+JAWSKey+R.
To speak the current track title, press alt+Control+T.
To show current track info in the virtual viewer, press JAWSKey+Shift+T.

>From within the Winamp Equalizer:

Use the following hot keys in the WinAmp Equalizer:

To open/close the equalizer, press Alt+G.
To enable/disable the equalizer after it is opened, press N.
To toggle equalizer auto-loading, press A.
To open the presets menu, press S.

To increase the equalizer bands, press 1 through 0 on Numeric Row.
To decrease the equalizer bands, press Q through P.
To increase the equalizer  PreAmp, press GRAVE ACCENT.
To decrease the equalizer PreAmp, press TAB.

The following keystrokes may be useful in the play list editor:

To open an existing play list, press CTRL+O,
To clear the currently loaded play list and load a New empty playlist, press
To save the play list, press CTRL+S,

To add aFile to the play list, press L,
To add aLocation to the play list, CTRL+L,
To add a directory to the play list, press SHIFT+L,

To remove a File from the play list, press DELETE,
To crop the play list,  press CTRL+DELETE,
To Clear the play list, press CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE,
To remove any non-existent tracks, press ALT+DELETE,

To invert the Selection, press CTRL+I,
To move the selection to the current track, press ALT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW,
To move the selected track down, press ALT+DOWN ARROW,
To move the selected track up, press ALT+UP ARROW,
To edit the track file name, press CTRL+E,

To set stop marker on current track, press CTRL+SHIFT+V,
To announce location of stop marker(any window), press ALT+CTRL+V,
To clear stop marker(any window), press ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+V,
To announce status of stop after current track Mode (any window), press
To resume playing after stop marker (any window), press F12,

To play the selected track, press ENTER,

To sort by title, press CTRL+SHIFT+1,
To sort by file name, press CTRL+SHIFT+2,
To sort by file path and name, press CTRL+SHIFT+3,
To reverse the play list, press CTRL+R,
To randomize the play list, press CTRL+SHIFT+R,

To create an HTML page from the play list, press  ALT+CTRL+G,
To toggle Always-On-Top (Playlist Editor), press ALT+CTRL+A

***End Winamp Keystrokes***


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