Joanne, We need more information. Tell us about your laptop keyboard. While some laptops have scrunched up keyboards and may have to use a special layout, my laptop has the full keyboard with numpad to the right and I actually use a desktop setting for the keyboard even though it is built into a laptop. So, tell us about yours. My keyboard is just like the old stand alone keyboards with only a couple keys moved around which could be due to difference in brand.


-----Original Message----- From: joanne
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 4:19 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] would like instructions for how to use Jaws on a laptop

I do use a regular keyboard with my laptop, since I'm used to that layout and of course the function keys and insert key are easy to find and use with Jaws. But should I ever really need to--which I hope will not be often--, is there a tutorial or list of hot keys and where they might be located on a laptop? For instance, I have heard you can't use the insert key and I'm not really sure where it is anyway. Not really even sure where control keys or start menu keys, etc. are, and by luck I found the arrow keys. But I would like to learn my way around a laptop and learn what keys would be Jaws specific.

Thanks for any help.

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