I need help with jaws scripts for skype: I installed 'jaws Revision
653b', which is supposed

to support skype ? up to 3X with jaws 7 to 10, and I'm running skype
3.8, with Jaws 8.0, and

Win XP

So it compiled fine, but when I try to access the most important
function the 'jaws Skype

script manual', as instructed by pressing jawskey twice + F1 I get a
clearly unconfigured

text below


JAWS may not recognize this control.
To show JAWS what type of control it is, press JAWSKey+7.
To see more technical information on the control, press Control+JAWSKey+F1.

*when I press JAWSKey+7 I get

skype.jcf jaws configuration manager classes

new class assign classes
*edit field*

I recompiled with no luck...

Please does anybody know what went wrong here? And or where I can get
a text copy of the

'jaws Skype script manual' 'jaws Revision 653b', or even some tutorial
on how to use the

script features?

Any solutions welcomed...Thanks in Advance!


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