This morning I had an interesting situation re the volume control also known 
as audio-player, which in my system tray resides, but this morning upon 
booting up, item was not listed.
Then few short minutes it showed up player not running. 
Apparently, this seems to affect Jaws performance, as Jaws was studdering, 
going in/out. I had some window's updates that I installed, and after 
rebooting, Jaws really came into my speakers super loud, but then went back 
to it's normal volume. I also heard like a skipping sound as Jaws was 
speaking at same time.

So, what is this audio player and is there settings I might need to 
set/change so in future this doesn't happen? I know it's somehow connected 
also to externals I plug into the laptop such as: thumb drives, etc.

It also seems to be associated to my DVD player and there's some settings as 
I tab through that for the most part are set at, take no action. But on this 
DVD setting it was checked to use version 10 or as closely as I remember it 
to say.
I'm thinking something here is checked that shouldn't be and is creating 
havoc at times with Jaws, would anyone know about any of this?

This is on Window's 7 laptop running Jaws 13.

Thanks for any help..


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