My question to webvisum users: What percent of the time does Webvisum give you 
wrong captcha solution text?

I've only recently started using both zcaptcha with IE9 and Webvisum with 
Firefox to get captcha solutions send back to me as readable text. Well 
zcaptcha has been 100% accurate which is critical for the web page to actually 
accept my capcha entry allowing me to move on to whatever I'm purchasing. I've 
used Webvisum twice on the same web page and both times it solved it wrong. the 
first time it put the solution text in the clipboard and I pasted it in the 
edit field on the web page, I got an error msg saying it was wrong. Well I 
tried it a second time on the web page in front of me with the captcha image 
and the result was wrong again. Both times Webvisum's solution text was wrong. 
Well then I used zcaptcha on the same web page and got the right solution text 
within 5min allowing me to successfully finish what I was purchasing on the web.

So my question to webvisum users: What percent of the time does Webvisum give 
you wrong captcha solution text?

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