I agree with you, I own a list of over 600 people on it, with various skills ETC. Not everyone is an advanced computer, not everyone has a masters degree. I know of a member on my list in his 70's, and he is still learning. Before being rude, ask yourself, is this how I would want someone to treat me?
Just my two cents.

-----Original Message----- From: Stormin
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 7:57 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Jaws 14/W-7 and Java?

So a up-date and not so correct sentences.
First off I found a person, not on this group that was willing to work with
myself and this computer.
A: First off with all virus protection, which three they are all paid Pro
B: Still using Outlook Office as work for home and e-mail but will in time
go to Outlook Office 2010 after finishing training in it. Just to busy
training for up grades  for AAA call center.
C: I use Quicken 10 thinking and that runs my home entirely.
That said. This is a Windows 7 and the owner on this list knows what it all
has in it. Which Jaws 13 latest was working grand on it. When Internet 9 was
installed, I decided to go with Jaws 14 that I have a license for.
First stripping all of Jaws 13 and all associated to it.
Then installed Jaws 14 February release. This proven to be a frustration as
it would freeze up.
I did report and to this date not heard from FS Tech that is looking at the
dump files that was told on HIGH Priority.
That said, I asked questions here and because of sentence and language
barriers.. Well, I contacted a friend that uses Jaws here and there. He uses
another screen reader but this is Jaws group.
First off he noted that this machine was more or less set up for gamers.
Thus noted go to the web site and see what recommendations and then to the
Microsoft site and see the optional up dates see if related to the cards and
bingo so down loaded them.
Also installed with this gentleman's Help the newest of Java for windows 7
and 64 bit and installed. Unlike some comments on the list. It is a valued
tool here and there. FS, Tech, also advised that one should have the latest
of Java as noted on their site.
Because of the Jaws not coming back and well just turn the power off on four
different times. So Friday I did a complete disc clean up, left over night
to do it's thing, the last step 7 hours.  then After work did a defrag. To
this point Jaws 14 seems by all accounts working and no disappearance of
Jaws 14 to this point. I am going to leave it on all day today to see if
Jaws 14 will still be there anytime during the day and evening. If so the
ideas that my friend in Louisiana, who has a heart of Gold, willing to work
with me knowing I am scared as heck of the guts of this computer. Slowly
walk me through VIA Skype to complete the project at hand. Compared to the
cold reception on the Jaws Users Group.
Yet, There is some valued information with Blind Computing and Jaws users
group so I don't mind donating to the keeping David's group site going.
As in the business of Call Receiving at AAA, Presentation, compassion,
understanding and tone of delivery which is highly recommended, demanded,
that it could be  used here. So quick to judge. There is myself and others
that are scared as heck of the insides of the computer. Others here are "A
walk in the park" on the insides of a computer. So how about cutting a break
and understand all are not near the level as those of you that are on a
higher level or experts.
I can see why people are afraid to ask questions. As one, not worded
correctly. Really? might be a beginner or not sure how to ask.
Two, This might be a silly question so not sure if I should ask it.
I've been using jaws since it came out. I am no more comfortable now with
the inside of this computer now or then.
Geno Just a thought

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