Remember folks off topic messages include but are not limited to posts about
software that does not include using jaws to access the given program. For
example open book since jaws enters a state of silence and as such is not in
the mix at that point. So it is not being used to operate the program. 
Since we don't have the desire or energy to draft a message each and every
time something like this happens the person is simply removed. They are of
course free to join up again, our hope is if they do they take the time to
read the guidelines that everybody receives when their membership is
I have this domain name until January of 2015 at this point FYI. I haven't
decided if it is going to be renewed beyond then or not as of right now.
Like I said a couple of years ago in my last interview so long as it's
enjoyable and I have the people to work with it will go on but so you also
know it's been over 7 and a half years already. 
That's all for now, so let's get back to business and look forward to what
jaws 15 brings to the table, thank you.
David Ferrin
A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from
a simpler system that worked perfectly.
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