Hello all, I use outlook for my email at home, but I have another yahoo
email address that I use for other things. When I signed into Yahoo I always
had the classic yahoo mail setting. A week or so ago when I tried to go to
yahoo mail at home here with that other email it didn't work properly. I
can't do anything with it. It looked to somebody who looked at it that it
had updated to the new yahoo mail. I can't get jaws to do much of anything
with it and in reading up on this I am not the only one. I know this will
affect more than jaws users, but that is who we all are on this list. There
seems to be no way to change things to get yourself back to the classic mail
setting. If not, it seems this is an accessibility issue with yahoo that
needs to be addressed. I did not change anything, they did it. What has been
others experiences with yahoo mail? Again, I am using windows 7 and jaws 13.
Thanks in advance.  Judy & Tallie




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