I seem to be experiencing some frequent occurrences of emails hanging in WM 
on windows 7 laptop.

This is what's going on...

If an email is open, and other emails are coming into the inbox, then jaws 
doesn't speak until I have to alt tab away from that email and back again.
Also, if forwarding an email, this is where it seems to really hang, it 
doesn't let me tab through the header fields, in fact I really can't do 
anything. I try to close the email and most times it doesn't close or if it 
does, then message pops up asking if I want to save it, I have to say yes, 
so it will finally close.
Then when that happens, the inbox list of emails, Jaws says, unselected. I 
have to close the program and go back in again to fix it.

Does anyone know what could be causing all of this to happen and is there 
any fix for it?



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