That's the way I have it--subject first.

Sunny Day
Maria Campbell

When the power of love is stronger than the love of power,
Then the world will know peace.

On 2/10/2014 10:45 AM, anna vimini wrote:
Hi ,
Okay I have unchecked message pain but it still does not solve my problem On how the message displays in my in box.
It still shows the subject first before the name of the sender.
I think I am just going to leave it the way it is because I have tried everything I know to get the message to display with the name of the sender first.
thanks Trish, Maria and anyone else who tried to solve my Problem.
Re: [JAWS-Users] emails
Message pane should not be checked.

Sunny Day
Maria Campbell

When the power of love is stronger than the love of power,
Then the world will know peace.

On 2/10/2014 10:10 AM, anna vimini wrote:
block quote
Hi Trish,
Under the layout in the view menu there is classic view and I have this checked
wide view and this is not checked
vertical view and this is not checked
folder Paine and this is checked
and message Paine and this is checked.
there is no preview pain in the list.
thanks in advance
Re: [JAWS-Users] emails
OK. under your layout, check if you have show preview pane, see if it's
checked and uncheck it. mayb ethat will help
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