In the versionof Windows that you are running, this program is not at all
required anymore. Since Windows Vista, and possibly Windows XP, Windows has
a built-in NTP client. It runs in the background and will synch your clock
with a configured NTP server every 7 days or so. I'm not sure whether this
value can be changed in the Windows registry, because I know for a fact
that it is not available to be changed within the user interface. So, if
you like, you can do some searches on Google if you require mor accurate
time. For most people though, the ammount of drift a clock experiences is
not at all noticeable.  Depending on how good your RTC chip is and the
condition of the CMOS battery in your system can greatly affect the ammount
of drift that you experience.  The built-in NTP client on Windows may or
may not calculate drift and make very small adjustmenets to your realtime
clock. This would have the effect that your clock would have more accurate
time over a longer period of time that the daemon/service is running.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Liuda <balciu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I use Win.7. I have used this Dimension 4 program to keep my computer time
> as perfect as possible. I realized that my time is now off a little. I
> tried
> to open Dimension 4 to see what is going on.
>    Well, I hear a chord and am now told that the built-in Time is being
> used
> in Win.7 instead.
>    I just tried to set Dimension 4 and it will not even open, stating that
> Dimension 4 has detected that you are running the built-in time service in
> Windows. Dimension 4 attempted to stop and disable this program but an
> error
> occurred in trying to do so. This may be because you have insufficient
> privileges to stop and disable this service.
>    Now, I vaguely recall something about not having administrative
> privileges on this machine for some reason. Could this be causing this
> problem now? If so, how can I reinstate my administrative privileges again?
>    If there is some other explanation that you may have as to why this
> program is no longer operating on my computer, I would appreciate any and
> all ideas. I really hope to fix this program so I can use it successfully
> once again soon.
> Thanks in advance for all guidance in this matter.
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