Hello list,


So I came across a deal for Malwarebytes Pro the other day and decided to
finally upgrade from the free version to the full paid version. I had been
running an older version of Malwarebytes and it for the most part was
accessible. A little useage of the Jaws cursor and no problem.


This purchase was a software download via newEgg. I went ahead and did the
upgrade to Malwarebytes 2.0.2 or whatever it is and am now finding that the
program is completely unuseable  with Jaws. All I can do is get Jaws to
speak the window title, but beyond that, nothing at all. Not with any of the
cursors, tabbing around, etc. My sighted wife attempted putting me in the
field to type in my product key, but not even then does Jaws give any
feedback. I know I could have her go through the registration process for
me, but I don’t want to have an inaccessible antimalware program running on
my system that I can’t interact with in case something does get flagged.


My question is, has anyone else tried using the latest Malwarebytes with
Jaws (JFW 15) and if so, did they have any luck with it? 


I could always have my wife install this one license on her machine so I’m
not out the $15.00, but still. I always liked Malwarebytes and am frustrated
to find that the latest update is a complete no-go with Jaws.



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