Ok, when you are in the combo box try doing an alt down arrow and then picking the library that you want and then do an alt up arrow to close the combo box.
On 8/4/2014 12:00 PM, Pinky wrote:
Hi Group,

I am not sure exactly how to explain my problem but I will do my best.  When
I go to my libraries web site and go to where to log on the  site there is a
drop box with a list of libraries in the list.  when I hit the letter a to
take me to my library that begins with an A the first one that comes up is a
different library.  So what happens is that as soon as I hit the a the focus
is move to the library number.  The web site automatically move the focus to
the library number as soon as a library name is chosen.  This drop box does
not allow me to arrow down the drop box to select my library.  As soon as I
try to arrow down it chooses the first library in the list and then move the
focus to the library number field.  So my question is how do I keep or use
JAWS to select the correct library in this drop down box?

Thanks in advance


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