Sounds like problems 11 and 12 had with Office under XP.  As I recall, the 
fault lay in the video handling that changed under JAWS 11.  Frequent 
complaints to the other  JAWS mailing list, to John Carson, to anyone who would 
listen, finally got the problem resolved under JAWS 13, but I was never able to 
use 11 or 12 productively at home and never brought them into my office, where 
Access and Excel were fairly important.


-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Annette Carr
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 11:25 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS14 Use with Windows8.1

Are there any known issues with using JAWS14 with Windows 8.1?
Unfortunately, JAWS16 has not been approved in my work environment and I've got 
some JAWS users who have been moved over to Windows8.1 and are experiencing 
problems.  None of them are experiencing the same problems.  FS has been 
contacted in each situation and has told the user and the IT rep that there is 
no way to resolve the problem other than moving to JAWS16.  IT is convinced 
that because no 2 users are experiencing the exact same problem, that the 
issues can be resolved and there is no need for JAWS16. 


Some problems that have been experienced are:

.         Inability to use Alt plus a number key to read header info in an
open Outlook2010 e-mail message

.         Unable to navigate the Outlook2010 calendar

.         Unable to read the contents of an Excel2010 cell after using the
F2 to enter into Edit mode of that cell

.         Many problems with using spell checker in MS-Word2010.

Are there any known problems like the ones listed above that can be attributed 
to the use of JAWS14 that can only be resolved by moving to JAWS16?  Are there 
any other issues not listed here that can only be resolved by moving to JAWS16?





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