Hi All,

The Gmail account was created using Win7, J16, & IE11.  1 cool thing we 
found out during this fiasco, because of some problems we caused by being in 
the account from 2 different places at the same time was, Gmail's security 
does work really well.  I couldn't get logged into my account & couldn't use 
my email account because of the afore mentioned.  Well, I received a message 
that I needed to get a special code to use as a password because of the 
security issues we caused so, once on the website you can have this special 
code sent to you on your mobile phone or, check this out, as a auto voice 
mail!  You put your mobile phone number into the edit field, you find with 
your Jaws version of choice, & tab down to 2 checkboxes that you check which 
one you want, either text message or auto voice mail.  Then, go to the, Next 
button, & spacebar this button & wham bam you get this special code in the 
choice you selected.  I had chosen the auto voice mail option & no sooner 
had I pressed the spacebar I was receiving a phone call telling me the 
special code!  I had a text file open & ready to type this code into as not 
to forget the damn thing!  Well long story short, that is a really cool 
option if, you ever get your Gmail account set-up & cause yourself security 
issues.  Good luck.
Take care.
This email was sent from me, now a happy camper on my, iBarstool.
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