I spent two days, well, let's be honest, five days of non-stop learning, and I only learned two things so far lol.
How to add just one song and how to sync apps I have in itunes over to my phone. Yes, there is still lots more I should learn but good start so far. Tying it back to jaws, since I don't remember any version before this one, I will say so far it's working well for me. May I ask a question? Can I search for a rington or a song, etc via itunes, or do I need to use the app store, download it there and then sync it, which wouldn't make sense. I guess using itunes, instead of using the app store, can I just do it through itunes, if so, how? I remember the itunes keystrokes briefly that someone posted a while back, CTRL 1 etc, but I no longer have them notes. So, to answer my own question, would I need to go to the itune store? If so, how do I get there is it CTRL 2? Jaws doesn't say nothing for me, when pressing CTRL 2. "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence." Colin Powell For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: http://www.jaws-users.com/help/