I would like to share my experience with my Crucial 120 GB SSD. I had created a 
Windows Recovery partition on this SSD, which reduced the available space from 
its normal size of around 105 GB down to ony 32.1 GB.  As I did not use the 
drive for anything at the time, I simply stored it away incase I ever needed 
it. Lately however, I did have nother need for the drive, so I decided to 
remove the recovery partition from it to give me back the full amount of 
available space on it, and I chose to do this by reformatting the drive. So, I 
did this, and when finished, the drive was cleaned of its contents, of course, 
but the available space did not return to the 105 GB that I expected, it stayed 
at 32.1 GB. I then consulted some articles on how to recover the lost space on 
the drive, and concluded that the partition had not been removed from the 
drive, and I performed the necessary action to remove it through disk 
management. Well, low and behold, the entire drive disappeared from my drive l
 ist in This PC, and nothing I have tried has been able to make the computer 
recognize the drive again. When I plug the drive into the computer, I get the 
normal connection sounds an such, but the drive is not appearing in the drive 
list. So, it seems to me, that the drive is hidden in some fashion, and I am 
not surehow to go about getting it to appear again. From what further reading I 
have done on the subject, I believe it may be something in how the computer 
changed the binary code on the drive, since any given empty drive should be 
written with all zeroes, mine was apparently over written in some fashion with 
all ones or a combination of both. In any case, I am now at a loss as how to 
recover the drive if possible. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. 


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