yes it helped but I had to go to the tools menu and then arrow down to options then press enter the dialogue came up which was the options dialogue then I arrowed over to Composition then tabbed once and landed on the general tab then I tabbed a couple of more times until I landed on check for missing attachments then unchecked it and then tabbed down to okay. so it is actually tools, options, composition, general then tab to check for missing attachments uncheck then tab to okay
but I new what you meant
Re: [JAWS-Users] attachments
Hi Anna,
tools, display, general,
tab to where it says look for missing attachments and uncheck.
tab to ok and activate.
Did this help?

On 03-Oct-15 01:27, anna vimini wrote:
block quote
I need to know why when I type the word attachments in an email in Thunderbird jaws always comes up saying found an attachment?
does anyone know how I can get jaws to stop doing that?
I am using jaws 15 and windows 8.1
thanks in advance

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 so everything is okay now thanks for your help

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