I think it is fine to post, go ahead.

David Ferrin

A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a 
simpler system that worked perfectly.


From: Trish [mailto:patricia.zoell...@tx.rr.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:19 AM
To: ow...@jaws-users.com
Subject: Windows 10 Start Menu




sending this to you to post to list or not..

Windows 10 Start Menu | Access Technology Institute, LLC


Kathy Ann Murtha

Access Technology Institute




Windows 10 brings the return of the Start Menu. Open the Start Menu with 
WINDOWS KEY or CTRL-ESCAPE. CTRL-ESCAPE is a throwback to the time before 
keyboards had Windows keys.
The Start Menu consists of the following elements.

§  The Search Edit Field

§  The Start Menu List

§  Pinned Folders

§  All Apps

§  Modern Tiles

§  The Search Edit Field

The Start Menu Display

The Search field is at the bottom of the Start Menu. The top of the Start Menu 
is split into two panes. On the left is the Start Menu list and on the right 
are the modern tiles. Let's explore each of these elements in detail.

The Edit Field

When you first open the Start Menu, focus is placed in the Search edit field. 
Through this search field, you can:

§  Launch Web Sites

§  Search for applications

§  Locate documents

§  Locate store apps

§  And more

Launch Websites from within the Start Menu

To launch a website from within the Start Menu, follow these steps: .

§  Open the Start Menu

§  Type a Web Site Address such as www.blind.training

§  Press ENTER

The web site is displayed in the window of the default browser.

 Search within the Start Menu

To locate items on your computer, focus in the search field and type a search 
text string. For example, if you type "Word" all applications, Windows store 
apps, documents and other items that have "Word" in the title are displayed.

The search list is navigated with UP AND DOWN ARROW. Notice the circular 
navigation as you navigate. This is a common feature of Windows. When you reach 
the last item, you return to the first. You can't get lost when navigating 
within Windows.

When focused on an item you'd like to launch, press ENTER.

As you navigate the search results, the text within the edit field changes to 
reflect the title of the focused item. The cursor is still in the edit field so 
you can add or remove text to fine-tune your text string.  To display only the 
text you typed, focus on "My Stuff" or "Web."  When focused on "My Stuff" or 
"Web" the text string in the search edit fields returns to only the text you 

When you edit text within the search field, the search results are updated to 
reflect the changes.

Close the Start Menu with ESCAPE

 The Start Menu List

Once again, open the Start Menu of Windows 10 with WNDOWS KEY or CTRL-ESCAPE.

On the left side of the Start Menu display is the Start Menu list. Navigate the 
list with UP AND DOWN ARROW. Once again, notice the circular rotation. When 
focus reaches the bottom, it returns to the top of the list.

The Start Menu List consists of:

§   User Account

§  Most Used Applications

§  Recently Added Applications

§  Places

§  All Apps

Navigate among the elements of the Start Menu with TAB and SHIFT-TAB or with UP 

When using TAB and SHIFT-TAB focus moves among the primary elements of the 
Start Menu as well as some Jump List buttons and the tiles on the right side of 
the display. Once focused on a list you'd like to access, use UP AND DOWN ARROW 
within the Start Menu list and ALL FOUR ARROWS in the list of tiles.

When navigating the Start Menu list with UP AND DOWN ARROW, focus is moved 
among each applications and folder on the Start Menu.


The account in which you're logged in is the first item in the Start Menu List. 
 Press ENTER on your User Account to open a drop-down list with options. The 
options include:

§  Change Account Settings - This opens the Account Settings Window in which 
you can make changes to your User Account

§  Lock - This option locks your computer and places focus on the Lock Screen

§  Sign Out - This option signs you out of the computer and places focus on the 
login screen of Windows.

All drop-down lists in Windows are navigated in the same way.  To navigate 
drop-down lists:

§  Navigate the options with UP AND DOWN ARROW

§  Press ENTER to activate an option

§  Close the drop-down list without taking an action with ESCAPE.

Most Used Programs

The first items displayed in the Start Menu List are the programs you've 
accessed most frequently on your computer. Navigate the list with UP AND DOWN 
ARROW. To launch an application, press ENTER

Recently Added

Beneath the Most Used programs list is a list of applications you've recently 
installed on your computer. This is a handy place to access applications you've 
recently installed in case you want to pin them to a location or open them.


At the bottom of the Start Menu list is a series of folders that are pinned to 
the Start Menu. By default, these folders include:

§  File Explorer

§  Settings

§  Power

To open a location, focus on the item and press ENTER.

All Apps

Activate this option to display a list of all applications on your computer. 
This list is displayed in alphabetical order. Navigate the list with UP AND 
DOWN ARROW, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN, HOME and END. To launch an application, 
press ENTER.


On the right side of the Start Menu are a number of tiles. The easiest way to 
access these tiles is by focusing at the top or bottom of the Start Menu List 
and using TAB navigation.

§  When focused on the User Account in the Start Menu List, press SHIFT-TAB

§  When focused on "All Apps" press TAB

Navigate among the tiles with ALL FOUR ARROW KEYS. If focus returns to the 
Start Menu List, repeat the instructions above to return to the tiles.

As you navigate the tiles, you'll hear applications echoed as well as 
information on "Live Tiles."  Live Tiles are tiles that display information 
from within specific apps. For Example, you may hear:

§  The latest news headline within the News app tile

§  Your next appointment within the Calendar

§  Updated stock quotes within the Stocks app

§  And more

To launch an application with which a tile is associated, press ENTER.

The Windows Application Menu

The Windows Application Menu is used to take actions on items in the Start Menu 
List as well as tiles in the Start Menu. The Windows Application Menu is opened 

The WINDOWS APPLICATION KEY is located to the left of the right CTRL KEY. Place 
your finger on the right CTRL KEY and move in one. That's the WINDOWS 
APPLICATION KEY on your computer.

Navigate the Windows Application Menu with UP AND DOWN ARROW. To activate an 
option, press ENTER.

Options for Applications in the Most Used and Recently Added Lists

Within the Windows Application Menu, you can take actions on items in the Start 
Menu.  Focus on an application in the Most Used or Recently added list and open 
the Windows Application Menu. The following options are displayed:
Pin to Start - The application is pinned to the tiles of the Start Menu

§  Pin to Taskbar - The application is pinned to the Windows Taskbar

§  Uninstall - The application is uninstalled from your computer

§  Run as Administrator - The application runs with administrative privileges

§  Open File Location - The folder in which the application file resides is 
opened in File Explorer

§  Don't show in this list - The application is removed from the Start Menu list

 Options for folders in the Places List

Focus on a pinned folder within the Start Menu and open the Windows Application 
Menu. The options displayed are custom to the focused item. You'll find a 
number of options available for File Explorer while other pinned locations may 
only have an options to "Pin to Taskbar" or "Unpin from Start."

Options for Tiles

Items you pin to the Start Menu are placed within the Tiles. Through the 
Windows Application Menu, you can fine-tune the applications displayed.
Focus on a tile within the Start Menu and open the Windows Application Menu. 
The following options are displayed:

§  Unpin from Start - The application is removed from the Start Menu

§  Resize - A drop-down list opens from which you select a size for the focused 
tile (Live Tiles must be at least "Medium" size in order to display live 
content). The options include: 

§  Small

§  Medium

§  Wide

§  Large

§  Turn Live Tile on/off - This option is available in live tiles. You can turn 
them on or off with this option

§  Uninstall - The associated application is uninstalled form your computer

§  Run as Administrator - The application runs with administrative privileges

§  Open File Location - The folder in which the application file is located is 
opened within File Explorer

Since the applications you pin to the Start Menu are displayed within the 
Tiles, you'll probably want to do a bit of configuration within the tiles to 
fine-tune it to suit your personal needs.




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