Yes, indeed, Rumola works with IE as long as you save the bookmarklet version in the favorites bar. And once you have created an account and saved the bookmarklet version in the IE favorites bar, you can copy and paste it into the Firefox bookmarks tool bar so that you can use the same account to solve image captchas with either IE or Firefox. There is no need to create an account using the Rumola add-on for Firefox unless you use Firefox as your primary browser and are not interested in using it with IE. I have already used Rumola with IE 11 to successfully solve a couple of image captchas.


-----Original Message----- From: Moderator
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] chrome

Before we get started with this discussion, anyone who wants to complain
because this service has a cost attached to it,
keep those comments off-list!
Complaining about how much things cost blind people has nothing to do with
the use of Jaws, and is certainly not constructive!
Now, on with the info as I have it:
From what I understand, there is one called Rumola, and it is supposed to
work with IE , Firefox and Google.
You can find out more at:

I believe that there are extensions for Firefox and Chrome, but not for IE,
someone has discovered a way for it to work with IE.
It is a pay-for service,
50 credits = $0.99
150 credits = $1.95
Credits are valid for one year from time of purchase.

My experience with the website, and getting the service to work  using Jaws
was a good one.


Richard Q. Justice-list moderator

----- Original Message ----- From: "K. Washington" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] chrome

Only thing is that I wish someone comes up with a 2016 solution to
those pesky security images. Yes the more well known sites do allow
you to hear an audio version, but even those sometimes are not clear
to the human ear LOL!

Webvisum for the versions of FireFox 4.1 and earlier still works, but
I'm stuck with using an older browser (Which is never good security
wise) so I can have a way of dealing with those capture images. Do
you know of an app or something for Google Chrome that tackles this issue?

Still have no idea why FS hasn't developed some feature in JAWS to do
this. Guess it's much more difficult then I thought.

At 05:16 PM 1/26/2016, you wrote:
Yo Kimsan,

Here are some notes I've saved that might help:

From: David Moore
Hi all.
I have been experimenting with Google Chrome Browser, and I have found that
it is very accessible and easy to use. More than that, I can open the same
web site in half the time as with IE or Firefox. It never crashes, and it
more stable than any other browser. It is the best browser when it comes to
streaming videos and other media by far. The video never pauses for
In IE, the same video pauses a few times for a few seconds. Also, Google
Chrome is the easiest browser to use. Yes, I am not kidding. Simply press
enter on the browser, and the home page opens. I have mine set to Google of
course. Now, just press alt and the screen reader will say chrome button.
you press down arrow, every setting and menu you will ever need is in that
one vertical column. The history, delete history, book marks, are all in
that one vertical menu just by pressing the alt key on the home page. All
navigation JAWS short cut keys work in Google Chrome. I have not found
anything yet that is not accessible. Also, every JAWS key command works in
Chrome just like in IE. You can just press alt + D for the address bar for
example. I will continue to play around with Google Chrome a little more,
and I will be ready to do an Audio tutorial for you guys. You will not
believe just how much better Google Chrome is over any other browser. You
will hear it with your own ears when I send you the tutorial probably by
Friday. I know some of you will use Chrome as your default browser. God
bless and have a great night. Talk to all of you soon.

From: Greg Washington
Take a look at the following link for answers to questions about using
Google Chrome with Jaws and other screen readers.


From: David Moore
Hi all,
The fact that there is only one vertical menu is what I really like. On
marks and other options, you have to press the right arrow just like it is
sub menu to get access to your book marks, for example. Also, you do not
have to sign on the settings page. There is no important reason why you
to. You can still change the settings and do what you want to do without
ever signing in. Take care and have a great one.

From: Tim Ford
Hi Gerald,
In Chrome, use the alt key to bring up the menus, cursor down to
and press enter.  Arrow down and one of the items is "bookmarks from IE".
If you do not find those bookmarks, repeat the steps above, and press enter
on the import bookmarks line, then after that finishes, you should then see
the bookmarks from IE in its own list.
By the  way, the Chrome menus allow first letter navigation, so after first
hitting the alt key, pressing b pops you right to the bookmarks line.

Tim Ford

From: Tim Ford
Here is the download page.  The web page will automatically detect your
operating system and give you the correct version to install.

I cannot remember how to turn that into a link, so you will need to
copy the above string into an "open web page" box.

From: Gerald Levy
But what about that nasty Google Tool Bar?  Doesn't that also install along
with Google Chrome?  Is there any way to prevent this tool bar from
installing along with Chrome?

From: David Moore
Hi there,
Yes there is. You do not need the Google tool bar at all and it is easy to
use and all key commands work with it. Take care.

From: Adrian Spratt via Jfw
I'm using the same version. When Chrome and JAWS work together, moving from
page to page is much, much faster than with either IE or FF, but I keep
encountering websites where data can't be entered. The latest is Yahoo
Finance, where stock symbols can't be entered.

Two tips:

I kept getting a warning about Chrome not being the default. I finally
that JAWS was telling me to press alt-shift-a. When I did so, I tabbed
through to "Don't ask again" and checked it.

Control-d works to create a favorite, but initially I couldn't edit the
that popped up. However, you can tab to an edit field and create your own

Take care.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kimsan
To: 'jaws-users'
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 1:46 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] chrome

I just installed chrome version 48. I felt pressured to do so as everyone
has it lol. How do I set my homepage for chrome. So far I hate chrome but I
have only had it for less than half hour now.

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