I tried to download the update, it look like it could work, but they gave me an 
error about the patch not downloading or something. Now my computer will talk, 
however, it won't let me navigate to things. It just says the letters I'm 
pressing that doesn't tell me anything. Any suggestions? Should I uninstall 
jaws and reinstall 17? And not update?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2016, at 6:07 PM, Tim Ford <ttf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [I took the following directly from the FS web site.]
> Enhancements in JAWS 17.0.1377 (January 2016)
> The following is a list of improvements made between the JAWS 17 November 
> 2015 release and the January 2016 update.
> To download the latest release, visit the Downloads web page.
>  a.. The INSERT+X command, which temporarily toggles Smart Navigation, now 
> uses the default selection configured in the Startup Wizard. For instance, if 
> the default setting is Off, performing this command toggles between Controls 
> and Tables and Off. If the default setting is Controls, performing this 
> command toggles between Off and Controls. 
>  b.. When typing in Contracted Braille using the keyboard on the Focus 
> display, resolved an issue where text was not being entered into edit fields 
> if the particular field was completely empty. 
>  c.. When JAWS is configured to display text in Unified English Braille 
> (UEB), resolved an issue where the word "in" was being incorrectly contracted 
> when followed by a punctuation mark or preceded by a quotation mark. 
>  d.. Resolved a customer reported issue with UEB translation where the "ever" 
> contraction was being used incorrectly in some instances. 
>  e.. Resolved an issue where the dollar sign (dot 4 followed by dots 2-3-4) 
> was not being entered as expected when typing in Unified English Braille 
> Grade 2. 
>  f.. On the Braille Settings page in the Startup Wizard, the Placement of 
> Status Cells and Dot Firmness options will now only be available when a 
> braille display supporting these features is connected. 
>  g.. Added new braille tables for Dutch. 
>  h.. Resolved a customer reported issue where JAWS was unexpectedly speaking 
> the system time after pressing ENTER from the Search Box in the Windows 7 
> Start menu. 
>  i.. Added links in the JAWS Help to the web page where users can download 
> the Freedom Scientific Developer Network (FSDN). 
>  j.. A new option, Annotation Indication, has been added to the Reading 
> Options group in Quick Settings for all applications. It determines whether 
> or not JAWS detects annotations such as comments, footnotes, and endnotes in 
> rich text documents. 
>  k.. Resolved an issue with the Technology News from CNet Research It lookup 
> source where results containing an apostrophe were not being displayed 
> correctly. 
>  l.. If JAWS is configured to start automatically at the logon screen or 
> after you have logged into Windows, you can now press and hold both the ALT 
> and CTRL keys as Windows boots to prevent JAWS from starting. This is useful 
> if you need to troubleshoot any startup related issues you may be 
> experiencing. 
>  m.. A new speech output type has been added which enables JAWS to 
> automatically announce toast notifications. These are notifications apps can 
> use to display time-sensitive or personally relevant notifications regardless 
> of whether the user is in another app or on the Start screen, Lock screen, or 
> Desktop. For example, a toast may be used to alert a user to an incoming VOIP 
> call, instant message, or text message. The new Toasts output type is 
> selected for all verbosity levels and can be configured using the Configure 
> Verbosity Levels group in Settings Center. 
>  n.. Resolved reported issues using JAWS with the Miranda NG instant 
> messaging client. 
>  o.. Resolved a customer reported issue where pressing INSERT+PAGE UP in a 
> command prompt window was reading the next line instead of reading from the 
> cursor to the end of the current line as expected. 
>  p.. Addressed a reported issue with dialog boxes that are generated using 
> JAWS scripts not being spoken as expected. 
>  q.. Worked with Pitney Bowes to resolve several reported issues that 
> impacted their company employees using JAWS.
> IBM Notes (formerly Lotus Notes)
>  a.. Due to limitations with JAWS support for IBM Notes, Smart Navigation 
> does not work as well as it does in other applications that use the Virtual 
> Cursor. At this time, we have disabled this feature in IBM Notes until we can 
> get it working properly.
> Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
>  a.. When navigating the contents of some edit fields, resolved an issue 
> where the last and first words of consecutive lines were being read as a 
> single word. 
>  b.. Improvements continue to be made to JAWS performance with Google Docs 
> and Google Sheets. These include the paragraph navigation commands (CTRL+UP 
> ARROW and CTRL+DOWN ARROW) as well as the commands for reading the current 
> line and current paragraph (INSERT+UP ARROW and INSERT+NUM PAD 5) now working 
> as expected, the document content edit field now being properly recognized as 
> a multiline edit, and JAWS now speaking the correct label for the document 
> content edit field and no longer displaying it on every line in Braille. 
>  c.. You can now use the JAWS cursor to navigate web page content in Firefox. 
>  d.. Resolved an issue where spaces in the content of some tables were being 
> ignored by JAWS. 
>  e.. Resolved an issue where JAWS domain-specific settings for a specific web 
> page were not being loaded as expected in some situations. 
>  f.. When pressing ENTER or SPACEBAR on a toolbar button, JAWS no longer 
> exits Forms Mode, enabling you to continue interacting with the toolbar until 
> focus changes. 
>  g.. Resolved a reported issue with JAWS not reading form field descriptions 
> as expected when the aria-describedby property is applied to a fieldset. 
>  h.. When pressing INSERT+F5 to open a list of form fields on a web page, 
> addressed an issue where some fields were not being displayed properly if 
> they contained HTML markup. 
>  i.. While typing into a multiline edit field, JAWS no longer exits Forms 
> Mode when the ENTER key is pressed to add a new line.
> Microsoft Outlook
>  a.. Addressed a reported issue with shared calendars not being read by JAWS 
> in some versions of Outlook 2010. 
>  b.. In the Outlook 2013 calendar, resolved a reported issue where JAWS was 
> not indicating the "checked" status of shared calendars. 
>  c.. In an email message that contains tables, addressed a reported issue 
> where the SHIFT+COMMA and SHIFT+PERIOD keystrokes were not moving to the 
> beginning or end of the current table.
> Microsoft Word
>  a.. If ALT+UP ARROW is pressed from the files list in the Open dialog box to 
> move to the parent folder, resolved an issue where this keystroke would not 
> work unless the Pass Key Through command (INSERT+3) was pressed first. 
>  b.. Addressed an issue with using the F11 and SHIFT+11 keystrokes to move 
> through form fields in a document. 
>  c.. Resolved an issue where Research It could not be launched while focused 
> in the Backstage view.
> Skype
>  a.. When using Skype in Windows 10, addressed an issue where JAWS was not 
> correctly announcing the title of chat windows.
> Windows Live Mail
>  a.. Addressed a customer reported issue where information was not being 
> spoken as expected when selecting messages.
> Windows 10
>  a.. In the Windows 10 Calculator, you can now press INSERT+CTRL+D to move 
> focus to the Display field so you can review a result, or the numbers you 
> entered for a calculation. If you are using a Focus braille display, you can 
> press D CHORD. 
>  b.. Improved JAWS performance on the Windows 10 lock screen, which gains 
> focus when you press WINDOWS Key+L to log off. 
>  c.. Resolved an issue where JAWS was announcing too much information in the 
> Choose Default Apps dialog box. 
>  d.. [end]
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> http://www.jaws-users.com/help/

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