I beg to differ, but on web pages pressing insert plus control plus numpad minus turns on JAWS cursor follows PC cursor.

Maria Campbell

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
--Attributed to Jimi Hendrix

On 2/1/2016 7:06 PM, Flor Lynch wrote:
The Route JAWS to PC keystroke is, Insert or JAWSKey Insert plus NumPadMinus; no ctrl key. (With the ctrl key, it's drag-and-drop - a whole other ball game.) However, it doesn't have the desired effect on Web pages - at least, in my experience of a sighted user trying to read what I was reading with JAWS. The caret browsing feature is not aimed for us; I think it interferes in some way with our navigation of pages, although it's been a while since I played with it to an extent. Best way to know is to try these things out - trial and error - with a sighted companion. Perhaps the solution that'd suit the sighties most would be to turn off the virtual cursor with JAWSKey+z, and then use one of the two proposed 'solutions' - that would usually hamper our JAWS use on Web pages and with other similar environments.

-----Original Message----- From: Maria Campbell
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:11 AM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Caret browsing

On the other JAWS user's list, we have been discussing how to get better
help from the sighted, when needed, while browsing with JAWS.  It has
been stated many times over, that under normal settings, sighted people
mostly can't tell where we are on a web page.
Two suggested remedies mentioned are caret browsing, invoked by f7, and
JAWS cursor follow PC cursor, invoked by pressing insert plus control
plus numpad minus.
I'd be interested to know if anyone has any other suggestions, or
knowledge of any harmful effects of these seemingly helpful, but not
widely known, features of JAWS.

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