Thank you, Annette. I can rule out some of these possibilities (neither of us 
is on a network, for example, and we're both using the same versions of JAWS 
and the same browser), but you list other variables that might have an impact. 
What really troubles me is that we're trying to get a company that appears to 
be making an honest effort to make its website accessible, and yet some as-yet 
undetermined difference in our systems means that they've succeeded for one of 
us but not both. We can demand accessibility all we want, but if so many 
factors come into play, I'm not sure how the ultimate goal of complete 
accessibility is possible. 

I'll note these factors and see if we can't figure out the difference that 
makes the accessibility difference.

-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf 
Of Annette Carr
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] A Website inconsistency

I do not have an answer for you, but I see these inconsistencies all of the
time with our e-learning system at work, as well as in other instances.  


I've wondered if any of the following things could be impacting the results:


.         Browser security settings

.         Network firewall and security settings if you are working on a
corporate network.

.         Video card drivers and display settings.

.         Anti-virus applications.

.         Version differences with JAWS, operating system, browsers,
anti-virus, JAVA & JAVA Bridge, etc.






-----Original Message-----
From: JAWS-Users-List [] On
Behalf Of Adrian Spratt
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 8:26 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] A Website inconsistency


Can anyone suggest why two of us with similar systems are getting different
results on the same website? Unfortunately, I can't give a link because the
company involved is working with us to fix accessibility issues. The company
recently sent us a link to a new page where they believe they have made
their video player's controls accessible. The webpage works for my
colleague, but not well for me. Here are some details.


We both have Win7 machines, and I believe my colleague's is 64-bit like
mine. While he uses JAWS 16 only, I get the same results whether I use 16 or


When you click on this webpage, the video starts almost immediately. No
problem there. But we want access to the pause button because the videos are
quite long. In the past, neither of us was able to access this button. On
the new page, my colleague can do so easily, while I have to play some
non-intuitive tricks to get there. Once again, more details.


My colleague can get to this button with the quick navigation key f and by
arrowing around. (I'm not  clear if "b" works for him.) In my case, no quick
navigation keys land on the button, and arrowing down the page doesn't get
JAWS to verbalize it.


However, I discovered by chance that if I have focus on a certain link near
the bottom of the page and shift-tab once, the pause button suddenly
appears. Once I've done that, the pause button appears when I arrow around.
However, the quick navigation keys still don't locate it. for the record,
once JAWS found the pause button, it worked as expected.


One more note. After I close the window and reopen it, the pause button
vanishes. I have to go through the same procedure to get it to show up.


When a button is this hard to find, and when finding it involves such a
random process, I don't consider it accessible. However, it is accessible on
my colleague's system.


Any ideas why the inconsistency?

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