Sachin, in my past experiences with that error message, before doing anything to it, what I do is
open the jss file associated with that script using notepad,
select and copy the entire contents to the clipboard,
press insert+f2, select and enter on JAWS's script manager,
if the file has scripts from another program, control+a to select all and control+v to paste from the clipboard. now save the file as cuckooclock, the jss is automatically added, and proceed with the instructions.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Sachin
Subject: [JAWS-Users] questions about JAWS Talking Cuckoo Clock Scripts
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:23:04 PM EST

HI Mario, thanks for your willingness to help. I will talk in detail
about the steps I have taken & the problems I have experienced while
installing them. Following the instructions in the readme file, I
extracted all of the files in the archive to my jfw settings directory &
entered the provided text at the end of the default.jss file. Then, when
I tried to compile the script, there was an error. “Script Load Error

Error: The compiled script file


Scientific\JAWS\15.0\Settings\enu\cuckoo.JSB is not of the proper



One cannot proceed further without completing the above mentioned steps,
however I went ahead & opened default.jkm file. Then, I searched for the
following lines, according to the instructions but I couldn’t. [Common
Keys].Without this step one can’t add hotkeys for the talking clock.
Since most of you have done it successfully, here I might have done
something wrong.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance.

On 25/05/2016 7:13 PM, Mario wrote:
Sachin, what is the problem? I have installed the cuckoo clock scripts
many times. hopefully I can help.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Sachin
Subject: [JAWS-Users] questions about JAWS Talking Cuckoo Clock Scripts
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 6:52:15 AM EST

Hi everyone, I am trying to install “JAWS Talking Cuckoo Clock Scripts
written by David Truong and Andrew hart” which is available in the
scripts page of our site. Here I am encountering several problems. I
would like to know is there anyone who had luck with those scripts, so
that I can seek further help

Hoping to hear from you soon

Thanks in advance

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