Hi Jaws users list, a member was asking how to use the F S Reader programs
to read and listen to bookshare books. Read below.

How to read or listen to bookshare books with F S Reader 2.0 and 3.0.

First of all, download a book from bookshare.

1. Go to your document folder, creat a new folder.

How do I creat a folder?

2. Press Control+Shift+N, type the name of the folder, in this case
bookshare, press enter.

3. The folder Bookshare, has been created in your document folder.

4. Go to your download folder.

5. Highlight the downloaded zipped book file from bookshare.

6. Press the applications key, go down to extract all..., press enter.

7. Tab to, show extracted files when complete, check box checked, press the
spacebar to uncheck, should now say, check box not checked.

8. Tab to, extract files button, press enter.

9. Now highlight your extracted book.

10. Press F2, backspace out the name, write the name of the book, or just
modify the current name, press enter.

11. Highlight the new unzipped book.

12. Press Control+C, to copy the book to the clipboard.

13. Go to your document folder, go to the bookshare folder, press enter.

14. Press Control+V, to paste the unzipped book to the bookshare folder.

15. do this for all the daisy text books and for all the daisy audio books
from bookshare.

How do I read or listen to the bookshare books in the F S Reader 2.0

In the F S reader 2.0 program, you can only read the bookshare books, you
can listen to the Jaws daisy books in F S Reader 2.0.

1. Highlight the F S Reader 2.0 program on your desktop.

2. Press enter to open F S Reader 2.0.

3. Press Control+O, tab to, change directory button, press enter.

4. You are now in a simple treeview of your computer.

5. Down arrow to your C: drive, right arrow to open.

6. Down arrow to your Users folder, right arrow to open.

7. Find your user folder name, in my case, Jim, right arrow to open.

8. Down arrow to your document folder, right arrow to open.

9. Down arrow to the new bookshare folder, press enter.

10. You will hear a sound as the directory is changed in the F S Reader

11. If you are still on the change directory button, tab to the list of

12. For now on after you have pressed enter on the F S Reader 2.0 program,
just press Control+O.

13. This will bring up an alphabetical list of all the books you have put
into the bookshare folder.

14. First letter navigation works in this list.

15. Press enter on the book you want to read.

16. You will be in a chapter list on the left side, down arrow to the
chapter to read, tab one time to the reading pain.

17. Use the say all, insert+down arrow, or just down arrow, to read through
the book.

18. Use Control+F, type in a word to search for, press enter.

19. You will go to that word, press F3, to continue to jump to the next
occurrence of that word in the book.

How do I listen to the bookshare books in the F S Reader 3.0 program?

OK, F S reader 3.0, is a little different.

1. Press enter on the F S Reader 3.0 icon, on your desktop.

2. Now press control+O.

3. Shift+tab two times to the list of folders on your computer.

4. Press enter on the C:drive.

5. Press enter on users.

6. Press enter on your users name, in my case, Jim.

7. Press enter on your document folder.

8. press enter on your bookshare folder.

9. Now if you have your books in sub folders, press enter on the catigory
folder you want to open.

In my case, I have 16 catigory folders with 1300 books in them.

10. Press enter on the book to read.

11. Press enter again on the OPF file containing the book.

12. The book will take a minute to open, you will hear how many headings and
links are in the book.

13. You can read the book using the keystrokes for reading on the internet,
H, for headings, I, for links and so forth, because the book is opened in
the HTML format.

14. You can press the letter H, until you get to chapter one, do a say all,
with the insert+down arrow keystroke, to begin reading.

15. You can listen, to audio books from bookshare on your computer in F S
Reader 3.0, as well.

16. Press Control+P, to start or pause the audio play back.

17. Press Control+S, to stop the audio playback.

18. Press Comma, to rewind the audio as it is playing.

19. Press Period, to fast-forward the audio as it is playing.

20. The longer you hold down the Comma or the Period, the further you go
back or forward in the book.

In both the F S Reader 2.0 and 3.0 programs, you can press the ALT+F, for
the file menu.

Here you can, just down arrow to a list of the last read or played books,
press enter to open the book where you left off reading.

For more instructions on using the F S reader programs, go to the help menu
of Jaws on your computer.

Or go to the Freedom Scientific web site for help with using the F S reader

In F S reader 3.0, you can directly download, many learning materials from
the Freedom Scientific web site.


Love God with your heart, mind, and soul, that you might be blessed reaching
His goal.

Love your neighbor as you would yourself, God will truly reward you with
good health.

Love God, your neighbor, as you love yourself, you will then be spiritually
balanced with wealth.

Love His Word that proceeds from his lips, then reflect on the heavens where
God sits.



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