I have looked at James Strachan's W3C DOM2 document navigator and at
the one I wrote earlier this week.  There were a few changes that
needed to be made to mine, but there wasn't much opportunity for
merging, since we covered much of the same ground in the same way.

I still need to do some testing on my new
org.jaxen.dom.DocumentNavigator, but rather than just checking it in
to the CVS and obliterating all of James's work, I'd like to hear how
the rest of the list feels.  Here are the features not present (yet)
in James's navigator that I've had a chance to implement in mine:

1. Namespace axis iterator includes declarations on ancestor elements
   right up to the root (unless overridden closer to the context node).

2. Support for the preceding, following, preceding-sibling, and
   following-sibling axes.

3. A separate public class implementing org.w3c.dom.Node for
   Namespace nodes, so that they can be distinguished from Attr nodes
   in the result set.  (I currently return -1 for getNodeType -- any
   better ideas?)

4. Support for navigating from Attr nodes using the DOM2
   Attr.getOwnerElement method to find the parent element.

5. Fairly complete JavaDoc documentation.

Once testing is done, should I check this in, replacing James's
version, or hold off?  James, what do you think?

Thanks, and all the best,


David Megginson

Jaxen-interest mailing list

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