My next question was regarding what you called a ChainedXPath, but I was
thinking of more of a
tunneling effect.  My application basically reads in id3v2 tags from mp3
files and makes an
xml file containing all relevant information.  I then use XSL to transform
this into many static pages
for display in a browser.  My previous problem was that I had to write code
for each level in my document.
I first check for the artist and create it if not found, then the album and
create it if not found, and
then finally the tract which I also create if not found.  What I am looking
for or looking to create is a tool
that will add any node into an existing and only create nodes when they are
not found.  Does anyone know of a tool
that can do this.



This would look for the artist and create if not found....all the way down
to the tract.

Thanks for your time,

Jason Long
JML Internet Enterprises -
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of bob
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 3:01 PM
To: Jason Long
Subject: RE: [Jaxen] Escaping ' and " in xpath strings

> Here is a sample of code I was using before that also works when a ' is
> replaced with `.

Yah, cause a backtick isn't magical in the world of XPath.  It's just
byte, basically.  Single- and double-quotes delimit string literals.  In
your original example, you're creating a single-quote string literal as the
attribute value.  If instead you did double-quote string literals, then
things with single-quotes would pass just fine:

        new XPath( "CD/artist[@name=\"" + artist + "\"]" );

Of course, that would then flake out on anything with a double-quote in
the value.

> Here is the fix to my problem.  It properly handles ' in names of the
> strings set in the SimpleVariableContext.  Will this work for other
> characters that might invalidate xpath syntax?

Yes, because all of the problems you've seen so far occur at the
lexical level.  Using $variable notation, you're bypassing the lexer
with your value.  That value only gets dealt with at evaluation
time, and *not* at lex-time.  The lexer only sees "$variable" which
is always legal.  You should see no problem even if you set
$artist to the string "foo/bar<baz>&lt;cheese@'\"".  It's opaque,
and is never lexed.

>     XPath xpathArtist = new XPath(strXPathArtist);
>     XPath xpathAlbum  = new XPath(strXPathAlbum);
>     XPath xpathTract  = new XPath(strXPathTract);
>     xpathArtist.setVariableContext(variables);
>     xpathAlbum.setVariableContext(variables);
>     xpathTract.setVariableContext(variables);

This looks like a good candidate for someone to write a ChainedXPath
container, or something.

        XPath xpathArtist = new ChainedXPath( strXPathArtist );

        XPath xpathAlbum = xpathArtist.append( "album[@title=$album]" );

        XPath xpathTrack = xpathAlbum.append( "track[@title=$track]" );

Of course, that'd just evaluate each segment in order, using the
results as the context of the next link in the chain.  Might be


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