I never found any information about the element order in resulting
You can force getting a special element in document order using the
predicate [n], where
n is the document-order based index of the given axis.

e.g.: child::page[@secure='yes'][1] would return the first element page in
document order with the attribute secure set to 'yes'


----- Weitergeleitet von Hans Prüller/igs am 13.03.2002 12:45 -----
|        |          Mark Hortman                    |
|        |          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     |
|        |          Gesendet von:                   |
|        |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|        |          eforge.net                      |
|        |                                          |
|        |                                          |
|        |          12.03.2002 20:53                |
|        |                                          |
  |       An:     "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |
  |       Kopie:                                                                       
  |       Thema:  [Jaxen] Jaxen not following document-order                           

I have been using Jaxen for a while, and love it.  Thanks for all the
I believe I have found a very simple test case that shows a flaw in Jaxen,
and was wondering if anyone can
Show me the errors of my XPath understanding, or confirm a bug.
I am using the Jaxen 1.0 beta 8 version, and JDom.
The follwing test case fails saying expected b2, but got b4.  My
understanding is that b2 should be returned.
If I remove b1 and b4, from the xml and the java, then the tests succeed.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <b id='b1'></b>
              <b id='b2'></b>
              <b id='b3'></b>
       <b id='b4'></b>
              <b id='b5'></b>
              <b id='b6'></b>

        SAXBuilder reader = new SAXBuilder();
        Document doc = reader.build( BASIC_XML );
        XPath xpath = new XPath( "//b" );
        List results = xpath.selectNodes( doc.getRootElement() );

        assertEquals( 6, results.size() );
        Iterator iter = results.iterator();

        assertEquals( "b1", ((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue("id")
        assertEquals( "b2" ,((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue
        assertEquals("b3" , ((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue
        assertEquals("b4" , ((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue
        assertEquals("b5", ((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue("id")
        assertEquals("b6", ((Element)iter.next()).getAttributeValue("id")

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