> I've recently rediscovered Jaxen and I love it!  

Cool!  Though, Ter probably wouldn't want to hear that.  Jaxen 
replaced an ANTLR-based parser with a hand-rolled one a while 
ago, when we transitioned from werken.xpath to SAXPath/Jaxen.

> I'd propose that the base class itself be made generic.  IOW, 
> * combine JaXPah and BaseXPath

Yah.  Right now, the division is pure to make testing certain
things easier, and implementation-agnostic.  

> * rename BaseXPath to XPath (yes, another object named XPath, sigh)

Oh fnord.  Too many XPaths.  But, if we unify, it will be less of
an issue.

> * make it introspect on the parameter to figure out what type of
> Navigator to instantiate.

Yes, that was considered, and I still think its a Good Idea.

> Then a user could just do
>   new XPath(expr).selectNodes(doc)
> where dom is either a DOM Document, or a JDOM document, or the
> equivalent from dom4j or the other one...

Definitely friendlier.

> As a bonus, you could make the base XPath store the navigator in an
> instance variable; this would remove one of the things I think is
> weird about the API -- its use of inheritance instead of simple
> delegation to support multiple Navigator types.

That was done for ease-of-use for the end-user.  I figured that
it'd be easier if folks didn't have to work with a generic one
and install their own Navigator each time.  Introspection
would resolve that problem, as you noted.

> Anyway, not a huge deal, just thought I'd share my sense of design
> aesthetics.  I look at the code and see too many wrappers.

Other examples of too many wrapper?

> I like both these suggestions and I'd be willing to spend a little time
> refactoring to make it happen.

Hokie dokie.  Let me get a little more of a handle on the documentation,
then I'll give you CVS commit privs, and let you rock'n'roll on these
changes.  You're a jGuru, so I trust you. ;)


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