Title: ClassCastException when Marshalling object to string


I am receiving a ClassCastException when attempting to marshall a JAXME (version 0.4) generated object to a string.  The exception is:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException

        at org.apache.ws.jaxme.impl.JMMarshallerImpl.marshal(JMMarshallerImpl.java:358)

        at org.apache.ws.jaxme.impl.JMMarshallerImpl.marshal(JMMarshallerImpl.java:390)

The exception is thrown when attempting to marshall a JAXME generated object into a string.  The snippet below shows the problem.

com.mycompany.myproject.jaxme.data.ObjectFactory factory = new com.mycompany.myproject.jaxme.data.ObjectFactory();

com.mycompany.myproject.jaxme.data.MyTestClass o = factory.createMyTestClass();

//set properties etc.  



String result;

StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();      

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.mycompany.myproject.jaxme.data");                   

Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();    

marshaller.marshal(o, writer);  //exception is thrown here

result = writer.toString();

Looking at the JMMarshallerImpl class implementation it appears the exception is caused when the marshaller tries to cast the MyTestClass instance as a JMElement.  The classes I have generated are fairly standard and Im following the documentation for marshalling objects into a string so I’m uncertain about the source of this error.  Any ideas are very much appreciated.  Also, if there is an alternative way I should be marshalling objects into a string please advise.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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