Hi, Marc,

Cobery, Marc (Marc) wrote:

I am looking at switching from the JAXB RI to JaxMe2. I would like to switch to JAXMe to use the javasource extension. I can not find what tags are available to be use or an example of how to customize an xsd binding. Do you have any references for these questions?

first of all, please be so kind to use the mailing list jaxme-dev@ws.apache.org for such discussions. First of all, it gives others the possibility to read, second, may be someone else can and will reply.

I do not understand, what exactly you mean by "javasource extension". If the JaxMeJS framework is what you are referring to: The framework is independent from JaxMe. Quite to the contrary: JaxMe depends on JaxMeJS.

If your intention is to achieve a modification of the generated sources: Unfortunately that isn't documented at all. There are only some examples, all of which implementing a so-called SGFactoryChain: The JaxMeJdbcSG (creating source for accessing an SQL database via JDBC) and the TaminoApi4JSG (creating source for accessing a Tamino database).

More detailed questions would allow a more detailed response.


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