
Works great, I've been running it over the last week.
(Too bad it's not as advanced as the Sun implementation: no Java 5 annotations 
(maybe jaxme is just
an implementation for jaxb 1? - couldn't find it), no plugins, totally 
different generated sources approach
which makes it not compatible with the Sun generated classes (they're POJOs, 
Jaxme generates interfaces..)).
Nevertheless, there's a future here ;)

A few comments on some things I noticed about the plugin:

1) (important) the scm urls in the POM don't match the repository location:


should be

 (or ws-jaxme/maven-jaxme-plugin/ moved 1 level up).

 Same for <developerConnection> and <url>.

2) (recommendation) Use 'default-value' instead of 'expression' for mojo 
parameter annotations, for instance:

        /** Setting this property to suppresses the builtin
         * uptodate check.
         * @parameter expression="false"
        private boolean forceCreation;

  The @parameter should be defined as

          @parameter expression="${forceCreation}" devault-value="false"

which means that you can both configure it in the pom as <configuration><forceCreation>true</.. and on the commandline with -DforceCreation=true. Or leave the expression=".." out; then you won't
  be able to specify it on the commandline.

  (minor naming issue: removingOldOutput -> removeOldOutput)

3) (suggestion) Maven 2 Conventions: generated sources go in target/generated-sources/SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, in this case target/generated-sources/jaxme/
  generated resources go in target/generated-resources/SHORT_PLUGIN_NAME, in 
this case target/generated-resources/jaxme/

  so like here:

        /** The target directory for resource files. Defaults to
         * @parameter 
private String resourceTarget;
        (dubious name: resourceTarget; an even more dubious name is 'srcTarget' 



4) The 'addPluginArtifacts' method adds the jaxme2-rt artifact to the 
MavenProject object if it is not specified as a dependency.
  While this works when compiling the project, this new artifact is not 
persisted in the pom and users of
  the project will receive errors due to the missing library. It's best not to 
do this; you could warn
  when you can't find it, but this approach is potentially dangerous.

Two offtopic comments:

I've tried to get the maven-jaxme-plugin trunk to build with trunk, and I 
that two things are missing in the new jaxme-xs:
1) no way to set bindings (Generator.addBindings() method is gone)
2) no way to set the resource output directory 
(Generator.setResourceTargetDirectory() is gone)

And did you get a chance to look at JAXME-87?

-- Kenney
Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

I'd like to ask the users of the maven-jaxme-plugin for feedback on
the proposed version 2. The updated version is available from the
Maven snapshot repository on people.apache.org:


This version is slightly incompatible to its predecessor (hence the
increment in the major version number). If noone else intervenes, I'll
ask for a release in the next weeks.



List of changes in the plugin:

 - Added the concept of schema collections, which allows to compile
   multiple schema files within one project using different
   configurations. You had to use subprojects before.
 - Upgrade to JaxMe 0.5.2.
 - File sets are now built using the Plexus utilities, which is the
   standard for Maven plugins. Unfortunately, this means that the
   syntax for configuring the plugin has changed.
 - Added support for entity resolvers.
 - The input files may now be added to the generated jar file, so that
   they can be used for documentation or validation.
 - Sources and resources may now have different target directories,
   which matches the Maven standards.

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