They make the initial checkout from CVS extremely slow as it download over
10MB of binaries from the "newsite" module alone.

I propose that CVS should generally only include source files. We should
recognize that we provide binaries as a convenience for visitors to be able
to grab a copy, try it, be amazed, and join the community without any
hassles. Binaries should be available from the site for download and ideally
would be created automatically using a cron task or similar. But they should
not be in CVS.

If we need to be able to track historical versions of our binaries then, I
suggest that we use CVS to it's fullest by tagging all the files that go
into particular releases. We can then rebuild by checking out tagged files.
If that doesn't work - perhaps because of dependencies on third-party
projects - the we can use a separate CVS module for historical binary
distributions. I doubt that anyone would want to sync with this module but,
if you wanted a copy of EJBoss v0.5 for your very own EJB Hall of Fame,
you'd know where to look... ;-)

Of course there may be a perfectly good reason why binaries are needed and
I'm sure that someone would no doubt point it out once they read this...



"Java isn't platform independent; it is a platform.
 Like Windows, it is a proprietary commercial platform. "
                                      - Bjarne Stroustrup

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