
> Cool, I'm vindicated!
> When Simone imparts his knowledge, I'd be happy to
> update the web page if Marc thinks it a good idea...

Thanks for that, would really be useful for developers with CVS write
access, but I have very little time this period.

I don't have cygwin, the following works with plain win2k and winme.
Probably will be useful to remove cygwin's ssh.exe from %PATH% environment
variable to avoid some mess.
Unfortunately there is no solution yet for being behind a firewall, ssh does
not work. If someone has a solution for this, please share it !!

The following will only work for jboss' developers that have CVS write
access to the CVS jboss repository.

Sooo, here it is ;)

1) Go to http://download.sourceforge.net/sfsetup/sfsetup-v1.2.zip and
download it. Unzip it. When unzipped, there is another zipped file, called
ssh-1.2.14-win32bin.zip. Unzip also this in a well-known directory (mine is
D:\Simon\ssh\). In there there should be now 5 files, one of them being
ssh.exe. Only these 5 files should be kept, you can delete all the other
unzipped files.
2) Create a passwd file under C:\etc as explained in bullet 5 at
http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=767&group_id=1. Follow
only instruction at bullet 5.
3) Open a Windows console and go in the directory where you unzipped ssh.exe
(I would do 'cd \Simon\ssh').
4) If you don't have a global HOME environment variable, set it in the
console. I would do 'set HOME=D:\Simon'. If you don't do this, ssh will
complain (while executing the next step) that it cannot create the directory
'NULL/.ssh' or something like that.
5) Now connect with sourceforge. Type the following:
ssh -l <sf_user_name> jboss.sourceforge.net
and enter your password. You should get a unix-like after-login window. Type
exit and come back to the Windows console.
Then type:
ssh -l <sf_user_name> cvs.jboss.sourceforge.net
and enter your password. Again the unix-like after-login window. Type exit
and come back to the Windows console.
These 2 commands created a .ssh directory (please note the dot before ssh)
under %HOME% and 2 files in it. These files are required by WinCVS.
6) Close the console. Open WinCVS. From the menu bar, Admin/Preferences. In
the 'General' tab, set the CVSROOT to be
:ext:<sf_user_name>@cvs.jboss.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jboss, authentication
'SSH server'
7) In the Preferences dialog, tab 'Ports', select the checkbox 'Chek for an
alternate rsh name' and fill the textbox with the full path of ssh.exe (mine
is D:\Simon\ssh\ssh.exe). Click OK.
8) From main menu bar, Create/Checkout module, fill the dialog box, then
click OK. It will appear a minimized console (so you will only see it in the
taskbar or with Alt-Tab): you should un-minimize it, it will appear
completely empty. Type in there your sourceforge password and then enter. If
you switch back to WinCVS, you'll see that the checkout begins, and the
password console stays there until the CVS command is finished.
You have to retype your password in an empty console for each CVS command
(there is a way to avoid also this but I did not try it).

Enjoy !


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